daily routine » jeongin x skz

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It was safe to say that the minds of the other Stray Kids members revolved purely around Yang Jeongin. From the moment he'd stepped into the JYP building on his first day as a trainee, he'd always been the small, cute boy with braces that everyone wanted to protect.

If Jeongin was sad, everyone else was sad. If he was happy, so was everyone else. There was never a day where someone wasn't coddling the youngest boy, whether it was cuddling on their days off or simply going shopping. Jeongin was always at the center of everything, and it was no different when he was little.

If anything, the feelings amplified when Jeongin was little. When he was little, the urge to protect and coddle and spoil rose even higher in the chests of the other members, and they'd soon assigned roles and timetables to each member as they would constantly fight over who would get to do what with Jeongin.

They were all masters in every aspect of little space, whether that be with playtime, story time, bath time, etc. You name it and every member had mastered it.


Today was Monday, which meant that Changbin was on wake-up duty.

Changbin never minded having to wake Jeongin up when he was little. Normally, it was Jeongin waking up everyone else, but when he was little he tended to sleep in. Jeongin was only little when he severely stressed, upset or sleep-deprived, and last night he seemed to be all three.

Chan had put him to bed relatively early, and he'd slept right through until now without any fuss or distraction during the night, so Changbin had a strong feeling wake-up would be a breeze.

He was so glad that he was right.

Changbin always loved being the first face Jeongin saw in the morning. He loved the way he would cling to him like a sleepy koala when he sat him down for breakfast, loved the way he would nearly fall asleep again during breakfast. Everything about Jeongin in little space, Changbin loved.

"Baby?" The rapper said softly as he opened the door, internally cooing at the sight of the Jeongin's red hair peeking out the top of the duvets.

He left the door open as he slowly made his way over to the side of Jeongin's bed, reaching out to shake his shoulder. Jeongin stirred with a small mumble, turning around in the bed so that he was facing Changbin with his eyes open slightly.

"Hi, pretty boy," the brunette whispered, leaning up to stroke Jeongin's hair.

"Mornin', Binnie," Jeongin mumbled, sitting up slowly and holding his arms out, silently asking Changbin to pick him up.

Changbin did so immediately, resting the boy on his hip as he carried him out into the living room. Passively, Jeongin began to suck on his thumb as he let his head rest on Changbin's shoulder.

"Look who I have~" Changbin sang as he stepped out into the kitchen.

"It's a baby with red hair!" Jisung gasped, walking over to the two to ruffle Jeongin's hair and kiss the youngest boy on his forehead.

"Hewwo, 'Sungie," Jeongin mumbled behind his thumb and Jisung cooed.

"Aren't you just the cutest baby?" He asked rhetorically, and Jeongin hid his face in Changbin's shoulder, embarrassed.

"Who do you want to help you with breakfast today, baby?" Chan asked from over by the stove, turning around briefly to look at the boy.

Jeongin mumbled something, not loud enough for anyone but Changbin and Jisung to hear, so the blonde rapper reached up gently to remove the boy's thumb from his mouth.

"Say that again, baby," Changbin instructed softly. "Channie couldn't hear you."

"Wan' Minnie to hewp me," Jeongin repeated, louder this time, and Changbin kissed his cheek.

"Come sit down then, bubby," Seungmin invited, patting the empty seat next to him.

Luckily, Jeongin appeared to be feeling big enough to walk this morning as he padded over to Seungmin. But instead of sitting down in the seat, he instead sat himself down on the second youngest's lap. Not that Seungmin minded, in all honesty. He'd really missed the younger boy recently.

The remaining men sitting at the table (minus Chan) all watched as Jeongin's head fell forwards then shot back up a few times when he realised he was falling asleep again. The redhead let out a short huff in annoyance at himself, and Felix lowered his head so his chin was resting on the table opposite the little.

"Hey, baby," he said softly, and Jeongin looked at the Australian. "Would you like me to give you a bath today? We have the whole day off, sweetie, so no quick-showers!"

Jeongin nodded drowsily. "Yes pwease, Wixie."

"Pancakes for the beautiful baby," Chan announced, placing a plate of pancakes down in front of Jeongin before kissing the boy on his temple.

"Do you need some help, little one?" Seungmin asked, picking up the knife and fork next to Jeongin's plate when the little nodded.

Throughout breakfast, Jeongin began to wake up a little more, giggling cutely when Hyunjin dropped one of his pancakes on the floor and made a big deal out of it for Jeongin's sake. There were also no problems during bath-time either, and Felix was able to bathe the boy without him splashing water everywhere.

"What shall we do today, bub?" Felix asked once he had dressed the redhead in his favourite pastel pink sweater with matching thigh highs.

"Can I jus' cuddwe wib eberyone today, pwease?" Jeongin asked, looking up at Felix with hopeful eyes. "I wanna watch dat show dat Channie-hyung keeps tawking about!"

"Game of Thrones?" Felix asked, raising an eyebrow as Jeongin nodded happily. "Ah, baby, that's a big boy show. We can watch it when you're big, ok baby boy?"

Jeongin pouted but nodded anyway, not really wanting to get punishments today for misbehaving. Once the two of them left the little's room, Jeongin's eyes immediately set on Minho, who was laying on one of the couches with his phone in his hands.

"Minho-hyung!" He squealed happily, clapping when Minho turned his head to smile at the little. "Can I hab cuddwes pwease, Minho-hyung?"

"Of course, darling," Minho replied, putting his phone down on the table next to him. "Come here."

Jeongin giggled happily as he skipped over to the eldest, slotting himself in between Minho's arms and resting his head on his chest.

"Minho-hyung smewws nice," the little commented absentmindedly as Minho stroked his hair, and the older chuckled lightly.

"Thank you, baby," he replied as Jisung walked into the room with Hyunjin, the two of them gasping dramatically when they saw Jeongin wrapped up in Minho's arms.

"No cuddles for us, pretty boy?" Hyunjin asked with a pout, and Jeongin giggled.

He had a feeling today would be a pretty fun day.


merry christmas!!

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