accident » changjeong

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jeongin wets himself so if that makes you uncomfortable then don't read!


Jeongin could safely say, no matter whether he was big or little, that Changbin's lap was probably the most comfortable place on Earth.

Being as strongly built as he was, every inch of his body was either thick with muscle or some leftover fat that the rapper never took too much pride in, but when he'd discovered how much Jeongin liked it, he himself began to like it too.

And Jeongin was never too heavy for him. If anything, Changbin considered their maknae to be a good workout on his legs while also keeping him warm and company. It had sort of become routine for the two: for Jeongin to sit on Changbin's lap whenever the cameras weren't rolling (or sometimes when they were - the fans never minded much).

Of course, everyone in Stray Kids was aware of Jeongin's tendencies to slip into little space every now and then, but most of the time no one really noticed when he slipped. It wasn't one great transition that meant Jeongin would go from standing one minute to suddenly on his knees crawling around.

(Sometimes it meant that, but very rarely).

The others would know simply because of the little look on his face. Jeongin would look around like he was enamoured with his surroundings, a look of childlike wonder on his face.

And today was just the same as any other day. The cameras weren't rolling and Jeongin found himself seated comfortably on Changbin's lap while the older male had his arms secured around the maknae's waist to keep him from falling off.

Chan was somewhere else today, and Minho and Jisung were probably fucking or cuddling in the latter's room. Apart from those three, everyone else was present, lounging around the living room and laughing and chatting about nonsensical rubbish that meant nothing to Jeongin in his state of mind.

Of course, no one had noticed that he was little yet, and Jeongin was fine with that. At least he still had Changbin protecting him from all of the bad things in the world. And he didn't mind being alone in his headspace until it happened again.

"Innie, are you ok to go to the toilet by yourself?" Hyunjin teased harmlessly from across the room, and Jeongin's eyes widened as he nodded frantically. "Are you sure?"

Jeongin inwardly groaned; being reminded of a trip to the toilet that he had yet to take today, plus the added pressure of Changbin's arms around his waist was not a good thing right now.

"Do you need Binnie-hyung to take you, Innie?" Changbin joined in, and Jeongin concluded then that he was a goner.

The moment he felt the warm liquid soak through his boxers and sweats and onto Changbin's lap was the moment that the maknae broke into loud, broken sobs, scrambling to get off of Changbin's lap so he could still save himself some of his dignity, but Changbin's grip around his waist wouldn't let him.

"N-No, Binnie-hyung, no!" He cried, and suddenly everyone in the room was frowning worriedly, no longer laughing and having fun.

Changbin sat there frozen for a few seconds, in his mind hoping that what he was feeling on his lap was not what he thought it was, but as Jeongin's sobs and thrashing about become more prominent, he concluded that it was in fact what he thought it was.

"Baby, what happened?" Seungmin was the first to ask. "Are you feeling little?"

Jeongin continued to sob but nodded, making grabby hands for the older so that he could be away from Changbin and the mess that he had made. But as Seungmin picked him up and held Jeongin up by his bottom, what had happened was now made clear to the entirety of the living room, plus Minho and Jisung who had now returned upon hearing Jeongin's cries.

"Oh, baby..." Hyunjin cooed softly, having a clear view of the mess on Changbin's lap and the back of Jeongin's sweats. "Baby, did you have an accident?"

Jeongin buried his face in the crook of Seungmin's neck, his cries now becoming louder as everyone stared at him.

"Innie, baby, that's ok," Jisung reassured, stepping towards the younger so that he could softly run his fingers through his brunette locks. "Everyone has accidents sometimes."

Jisung held his arms out and Seungmin handed the youngest over to the redhead, who immediately began to shush the boy in the arms.

"Seungminnie, come help me clean him up," Jisung said, tilting his head towards the bathroom. Seungmin nodded before following the rapper.

"You ok, hyung?" Felix asked Changbin, who stood up from the couch to inspect the mess behind him.

"I'm fine, yeah," Changbin answered, still in shock from what had just happened. "I'll get to work on cleaning up the couch."

"No, you smell," Minho replied curtly. "Go take those sweats off then have a shower after those three are finished in the bathroom. We'll clean the couch."

Changbin couldn't really argue with Minho considering he really did feel gross right now, Plus, he really wanted to make sure Jeongin was ok.

"Baby, why didn't you tell anyone you were feeling little?" Seungmin asked, holding Jeongin's hand while Jisung gently cleaned the mess between Jeongin's legs with a baby wipe.

"'C-Cus everyone was happy..." Jeongin answered in a small voice.

"Honey, we're all happy when you're happy too," Jisung replied. "If you told us you were little, then we could've prepared for something like this."

"'M sowwy," Jeongin apologised, and Jisung reached up to cup his face. "Ish Innie gonna get punishies, Sungie?"

"Of course not, baby," Jisung answered. "But next time you have to tell someone when you feel little, ok? Promise?"

Jeongin nodded, and Seungmin stroked his knee reassuringly as Jisung pulled a nappy up the maknae's slender legs carefully.

"Good boy," the second youngest praised just as the door opened, revealing Changbin in his boxers and a t-shirt.

Jeongin whined and Jisung kissed his forehead sweetly when the boy squeezed his hand.

"Baby boy, Binnie isn't angry with you," Changbin reassured, moving to kneel down in between Seungmin and Jisung. "Binnie was just a little shocked, but that's because he had no idea his baby boy was feeling little. And accidents happen, baby; it's ok, ok?"

Jeongin nodded sadly, still feeling immensely guilty.

"Binnie's just going to have a shower ok, princess?" Changbin clarified, and Jeongin nodded again. Changbin then reached up to cup the younger's face. "Good boy. You're a good boy, ok, baby? Don't think that you're not. This was all Binnie's fault."

"Well, really it was Hyunjin's fault," Seungmin interjected. "He's the one who started it."

"It doesn't really matter," Jisung replied. "As long as Innie's ok. Are you ok, baby?"

Jeongin nodded for a third time. "'M sowwy, Binnie-hyung."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart," Changbin chuckled gently. "How about we cuddle on the sofa and listen to the Baby Shark song a few times to cheer you up, yeah?"

"Weally, Binnie-hyung?" Jeongin asked, that signature look of childlike wonder on his face.

"Of course, baby. Whatever you want."


based on that one moment in talker when bin was teasing jeongin about needing him to take him to the toilet lmao

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