Jeongin was an innocent boy.
In school, he'd never been given a detention or even gotten into trouble before. He steered clear from drugs or alcohol or bunking, although he had been almost led to join cults before (but that was due to his own naivety).
When Hyunjin met Jeongin, he actually worried for the boy's safety. He seemed like someone who's never really done anything exciting before, unless you call going to the park on your own exciting. Hyunjin didn't really know how to put it, but he found Jeongin's innocence and naivety to be a massive pitfall in his career. Especially if he were to be sharing a dorm with eight other boys, all of which were older than him, Hyunjin was sure there would be a few times where his innocence would be ruined.
Because he was so young and so innocent, the other members began babying him, calling him nicknames like 'baby' and 'little one' all with the intention of making Jeongin feel special, because his childlike innocence was so charming, and the other members all wanted to preserve it.
The constant babying had actually sparked something inside of Jeongin that he didn't even know existed, something called little space, and after doing his research on the topic, Hyunjin concluded that Yang Jeongin couldn't get any cuter. He stepped up as his primary caregiver, with the other members falling into the role of secondary caregivers pretty nicely.
From the day they met, Jeongin had always been rather attached to Hyunjin, and no one could really pinpoint why. Everyone treated Jeongin the same, so he had no idea why he favoured Hyunjin over the rest. But everyone in the group had their favourites, so Jeongin tried not to feel too bad about it.
When he was little, however, Jeongin's cuteness and innocence was amplified by ten thousand, and Hyunjin considered himself lucky to even be able to see this side of Jeongin, let alone be at the center of it. Hyunjin was always his first choice for everything, cuddles, story-time, bath-time, play-time, and Hyunjin loved it more than anything.
But the others had to be very careful around Jeongin when he was in little space. Being the small, innocent boy that he was, anything that he saw or heard that he wasn't familiar with as a little terrified him, which Chan and Woojin had to learn the hard way (no pun intended).
One night, after completing a drawing that Jeongin was insanely proud of, he decided to go to Hyunjin's room to show him what he'd done. He scrambled to get up from his position on the floor and immediately began to run to his caregiver's room. However, he slowed down on the way when he heard some very...questionable noises coming from Woojin, Changbin and Felix's room.
The door was open ajar, and so Jeongin decided to investigate. No harm would come out of peeking through an open door, he thought to himself. Stopping outside the room, Jeongin's eyebrows creased in worry as the noises got louder, and he could faintly see the silhouette of Woojin's body on top of Chan's.
He had no idea what was going on, but Chan didn't sound like he was having a good time. In fact, he sounded hurt, and tears filled Jeongin's eyes at the thought of his hyung being hurt. Not knowing what to do, Jeongin continued to run to Hyunjin's room, crying his eyes out by the time he got there.
"Baby, baby, what's wrong?" Hyunjin asked, eyebrows immediately furrowing in worry as his baby ran into the room crying.
Everyone else in the room (Seungmin, Felix, Changbin, Minho and Jisung) sat up in shock at the crying boy suddenly in front of them, and Hyunjin opened his arms from his place on Felix's bed for Jeongin to crawl into.
"Baby, tell Daddy what's wrong," Hyunjin practically begged, his heart hurting at the sight of his baby's face so red.
Minho climbed up onto the bed, reaching over to stroke Jeongin's hair as Seungmin and Jisung shuffled over so they were sitting on the floor just below Jeongin and Hyunjin.
"I-I walked past Woojie's woom, Daddy, a-an' Woojie an Channie-hyung w-were doing something!" Jeongin cried like he was traumatised. "Channie-hyung sounded w-wike he was being hurt!"
Changbin and Hyunjin shared a very obvious look between the two of then, which soon dispersed unto the other members, and pretty soon everyone knew what Jeongin was talking about.
"Baby," Hyunjin started, not too sure of what to say. "Sometimes, when two people love eachother, they share that love in a very special way... What you saw was probably Woojie and Channie-hyung loving eachother in that special way."
"B-But Channie-hyung sounded hurt, Daddy..." Jeongin pouted up at Hyunjin, and Hyunjin honestly wasn't sure if he could do this.
"Baby," Minho spoke up from next to Hyunjin. "Channie-hyung was probably just enjoying it. I promise you he wasn't hurt, ok?"
Jeongin nodded sadly, resting his head back on Hyunjin's chest and letting the dancer run his fingers through his hair.
To say things were awkward at breakfast the next day was an understatement.
Jeongin wouldn't even look at either Woojin or Chan, and anytime one of them did so much as speak, his face would glow beet red.
"Morning, baby," Hyunjin commented as he walked past, ruffling Jeongin's hair and kissing his cheek.
Jeongin looked up at his caregiver and immediately held his arms up for Hyunjin to pick him up. Hyunjin did so without any argument, lifting the boy up onto his hip and letting Jeongin wrap his arms around his neck.
"Good morning, everyone!" A very happy-sounding Chan chirped from the entrance to the dining room, and Jeongin's face immediately began to heat up. He buried it in the crook of Hyunjin's neck to hide his embarrassment.
"Is he ok?" Woojin asked, running a hand through Jeongin's hair.
"Ah, he's ok," Hyunjin replied. "He's still tired."
"Aww, poor baby," Chan cooed, now standing on the other side of Hyunjin.
Jeongin whimpered into Hyunjin's neck, and the dancer hiked him further up his hip while clearing his throat.
"Hyung, I think we need to talk about some things," Hyunjin spoke up, and Chan gave him a look of questioning. "Last night, Jeongin heard some...questionable noises coming from Woojin-hyung's room and now he's kind of traumatised."
"Basically," Minho piped in from the table. "He heard you two fucking and thought Chan was being murdered or something."
The cheeks of both Chan and Woojin heated up and Hyunjin glared at Minho.
"Language," Jisung hissed, slapping Minho's arm.
"Oh, baby..." Chan started, not really knowing what to say. "We're sorry, baby. Channie-hyung wasn't...hurt or anything, I promise."
Jeongin looked up at Chan nervously, and the blonde smiled at him reassuringly.
"Are you ok, baby boy?" Hyunjin asked, and Jeongin nodded sadly.
"Watch, next it will be Minho-hyung and Jisung one of us finds fucking," Felix muttered from somewhere next to Changbin, earning him a slap round the back of the head from Changbin.
poor jeongin lmao

{completed} cuties » stray kids
Fanfictionstray kids little space one-shots :) softbinnie-©