puppy » seungchan

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little!puppy hybrid!seungmin

trigger warning for unhealthy and abusive relationships, not between seungmin and chan though. please read with caution.

seungchan was requested by Changlix_is_life_5 so i hope you enjoy!


Seungmin sat there, holding his breath until he heard the door close behind him. But even when the door did close, he didn't dare move, didn't dare make a sound. It was only when he heard the engine of his boyfriend's car rev that he finally enabled himself to do something.

Standing up was difficult, but he managed to do so, ignoring the stinging pain in his tail and the throbbing of his head. Whimpering, Seungmin limped to the door, attempting to open the heavy item blocking him from his freedom, only to find it was locked.

He had locked it from the outside, leaving Seungmin locked inside with no escape.

As the realisation that he was trapped hit him, Seungmin let out a loud sob. There was no way out, ever, and Seungmin did something he promised himself he would never do.

He called Chan.

Phone clasped tightly in his hand, Seungmin sank to the ground as he attempted to find Chan's contact through the overwhelming amount of tears in his eyes. Once he found the older male's contact, he made no hesitation in calling him before he could change his mind.

Chan picked up on the third ring, and Seungmin cried even louder when he heard his voice.

"Ch-Channie-hyu-" he hiccuped, cutting himself off with another loud sob as the depth of his situation dawned on him.

"Hey, hey, Min. Min, what's wrong?" Chanasked softly, and Seungmin could practically see the worry on his face.

"P-Please, Channie-hyung. Please, p-please help me," he cried, chest physically hurting from how hard he was crying.

"Baby, I will help you, of course I will," Chan reassured. "But I need you to calm down for me, ok? Tell me where you are, Minnie."

"A-At home," Seungmin sobbed. "H-He locked m-me in, Channie-hyung, I c-can't get out."

"Ok, honey, I'm coming, ok?" Chan replied. "Stay away from the door, Seungmin. I'll kick it down."

Seungmin nodded despite Chan not being able to see him, hanging up soon after and shuffling away from the door.

Ten minutes later and Seungmin had managed to calm down a bit. He was still shaking and still a bit teary, but he wasn't crying anymore.

"Seungmin?" He heard Chan say from outside, and his eyes filled with a fresh layer of tears. "I'm coming in, ok?"

Seungmin hummed his approval, closing his eyes as the banging started. After three kicks, the door was open, and Chan was running inside.

Once he was sat in front of Seungmin, Chan felt his heart break. Looking at the trembling boy in front of him, he wanted nothing more than to protect him, and shelter him from all the bad things in this world.

There was a bruise covered in blood on the side of Seungmin's face, and a black eye that refrained Seungmin from opening his left eye. Further down, blood was staining his t-shirt, and Chan could only imagine what had happened down there. And if Chan looked far enough behind Seungmin, he would've been able to see his tail, frayed and red with blood.

"Did he do this?" Chan asked, trying to remain calm, but seeing Seungmin in such a state made him want to kill the younger boy's boyfriend.

Seungmin nodded stiffly, and Chan pursed his lips.

"Ch-Channie-hyung-" Seungmin hiccuped. "Don't leave me with him, p-please..."

Chan reached up to softly pet Seungmin's hair and the space behind his ears that he knew hybrids liked.

"I'm not, sweetheart," he reassured. "Can you stand?"

Seungmin nodded but still relied on Chan to help him up, not that Chan minded. He helped Seungmin walk to his car, helped him into the passenger's seat, and tried to keep him talking during the drive to his house.

When they pulled up outside Chan's house ten minutes later, Chan still helped Seungmin into his home, holding him close when Seungmin finally broke down again.

"Shh, it's ok, baby," he shushed gently. "I'm here, it's ok now."

Seungmin hugged Chan so tightly, afraid that he would leave him too. Being in the arms of someone safe felt so surreal to Seungmin, and he never wanted to let go of Chan.

"Baby," the older male whispered. "I'm going to run you a bath, ok?"

"No, no!" Seungmin cried. "Pwease don't weave me, Channie!"

"I'm not leaving you, puppy, I promise," Chan reassured. "My pretty puppy, I'm not going anywhere. Not ever."

Seungmin looked up at Chan through his tear-filled eyes, flinching slightly when Chan reached up to cup his face and wipe away his tears.

"Come on, angel, let me run you a bath, ok?" The elder proposed, noticing how unsure Seungmin looked. "I'll stay in the bathroom with you if you want me to, Minnie."

At that, Seungmin nodded, letting Chan lead him into the bathroom, picking up the fluffiest towel he owned from the shelf near the door and setting it down on top of the (closed) toilet. He began to run the bath as Seungmin peeled the clothes he was wearing off.

Chan tried not to look, but he couldn't help but notice the various scars, bruises and other wounds littering the boy's pale skin. He was so glad that he'd been able to get Seungmin away from that man before he'd managed to do anything else to him.

"All done, honey," he smiled at Seungmin, helping the younger boy into the tub and sitting down on the closed toilet, towel now in his lap.

The room was silent save for the water splashing from the time to time as Seungmin cleaned himself until the puppy hybrid spoke up.

"Channie-hyung..." He called out feebly, and Chan looked over at him with a small smile.

"What is it, baby?" He asked, and Seungmin looked down at his lap in shame.

"I-I didn't mean to..." He stuttered out quietly, and Chan frowned in confusion, standing up.

"You didn't mean to what, Minnie?" Chan asked softly, and when he looked down at Seungmin, he finally realised what he was talking about.

There was blood - not much - pooling at the surface of the water, turning the liquid a light shade of red - almost pink. Chan suspected it had come from the younger's tail, remembering it being slightly matted with dried blood when he went to pick him up.

"Oh, baby, don't worry," Chan reassured. "That's not your fault, sweetheart. Come on, Minnie, let's get you dried."

Seungmin nodded as Chan helped him out of the tub, drying him gently before giving Seungmin a clean pair of boxers and a pair of his pyjamas to wear.

The younger thanked him quietly, slipping into the clothes and letting Chan cuddle him when they curled up on the couch for a bit.

"Minnie," Chan said quietly, catching the boy's attention. "You don't have to tell me what happened if you don't want to. But just know that you're allowed to stay here for as long as you need to. I'll protect you, baby."

Seungmin felt tears fill his eyes at Chan sincerity, snuggling further into his side as he nodded with a sniffle.

"Thank you, Channie-hyung," he mumbled into the fabric of the elder's hoodie.

"My pleasure, pup."


please take care of yourselves :)

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