frustrated » seunglix (ft. changbin) (part 2)

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primary caregiver!changbin
secondary caregiver!seungmin

part 2 was requested by binspetal (and partially myself lmao)


Up until now, Changbin had only been concealed in his own world of work, his five sense honed in on the laptop screen in front of him until he was finished. Changbin didn't normally take this long to get something done, but being the perfectionist that he was, he was always able to notice something wrong with his work that he needed to fix.

However, once he was certain he had perfected every aspect of the song, he allowed himself to lean back in his desk chair and relax.

Sighing in a mix of relief and agitation, he stretched his arms up in the air, hearing his joints click back into place and feeling the blood rush back into his body. It was only when he stood up that he could hear something akin to laughter coming from the main room, and in a flash of realisation, Changbin looked behind him at the empty bed which he was certain Felix was sitting on only a few minutes ago.

Turning back to his laptop, his eyes immediately darted to the corner of the screen where he read the time as 22:13.


Last time he checked, it was only seven o'clock!

Sighing in agitation again, Changbin stretched his legs and opened the bedroom door, stepping out into the living room area where he saw Felix with his dummy in, playing dolls with Seungmin and giggling happily. And the cross between jealousy and anger that set in his stomach was not a feeling Changbin liked, yet he couldn't seem to stop it.

"What's going on here?" He asked, trying to sound as nice as he could despite his anger.

The two boys, who had only just heard Changbin enter, looked up - Seungmin's smile dropping and Felix's growing wider.

"Daddy!" He squealed in delight, dropping his doll on the floor and running over to Changbin, hugging him tightly.

Changbin hugged him back hesitantly, eyes trained on Seungmin who didn't look pleased at all.

"Hey, baby," he said, still staring at Seungmin warily. "What were you two doing in here?"

"Lixie went small and Seungminnie came back so he played dolls with Lixie!" Felix exclaimed happily, clinging to Changbin with the biggest smile on his face.

It was evident that Felix had missed Changbin like crazy, but even then all Changbin could look at was Seungmin, who had now began to clear away the dolls him and Felix were playing with.

"Daddy, I missed you so much!" Felix giggled, eyes crinkling shut under the pressure of his cheekbones.

Seungmin looked from Felix's back to Changbin's unimpressed expression and rolled his eyes, about to leave when Changbin spoke up.

"Why didn't you tell me you were little, Felix?" He asked, tone stern.

"What?" Felix's smile faded like something deep and sorrowful had been dropped in his gut, and he was only realising now.

"You know you're supposed to tell me whenever you slip, not run off to the nearest person available," he continued, venom laced within his words.

"Hey-" Seungmin snapped, cut off by Changbin.

"And you," the oldest spat, so much hatred in his voice that Seungmin had no idea he had in him. "You just had to get one over on me - prove you're better than me."

"Maybe if you actually cared enough about Felix, you would've noticed him leaving your room after being ignored for two hours," Seungmin argued, stepping forward with his eyebrows knitted together in a frown. "I came back early because I wasn't feeling well to see Felix on his own with his dummy in. I wasn't just going to ignore him like you did."

Beginning to feel that uneasy sickness in his stomach, Felix unwrapped his arms from Changbin's torso and held his hands in front of him nervously, backing away from his primary caregiver slightly.

"Don't you dare tell me I don't care."

"Then do something about it."

"I have been!"

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes! For the last three hours, I've been working my ass off mixing songs for this group and I don't get a single 'thank you' from anyone!"

Slowly being backed into the middle of the argument between his two caregivers, Felix squeezed his eyes shut and brought his hands up to cover his ears, falling to his knees in the middle of Seungmin and Changbin, and suddenly all signs of arguing were gone.

"Felix. Lixie, baby," Seungmin murmured softly, dropping to his knees and stroking Felix's hair gently as the boy shook in fear. "Hey, hey, shh. Shh~"

Seungmin pulled Felix into his chest, holding him close and rubbing his arm up and down slowly and warmly. Changbin just stood there in shock, staring down at Seungmin and Felix before kneeling down slowly on the other side of Felix.

"Hyung," Seungmin said, causing Changbin to look at him. "I don't want to argue with you, and I'm sure you don't either."

Changbin shook his head.

"I know you work hard - we all do - and we're all very grateful for that. But you took on the responsibility of being Felix's main caregiver knowing it was going to be tough. I know you two have your rules and whatnot, but Felix stayed behind and missed out on a day of sightseeing in his home town because he thought he would get to spend time with you. This isn't his fault," Seungmin explained. "And I only stepped in to help because I was here, simple as. I'm not trying to 'prove I'm better than you', I was simply helping you and Felix out."

"You're right," Changbin nodded. "I'm so sorry, Seungmin."

Seungmin smiled lopsidedly and tilted his head in the direction of Felix, who wasn't crying as much now. Changbin bent down more, resting his elbows on the floor beneath him and kissing Felix's nose softly.

"Daddy is sorry to his baby too, Lixie," he apologised wholeheartedly. "He should've never tried to blame Seungmin or you. Can you forgive Daddy, baby? Pretty please?"

Seungmin chuckled when he saw Changbin do his best puppy-dog eyes, and Felix looked at Changbin when he felt the vibration of Seungmin's laughter against his arm. When he saw the face Changbin was pulling, his little face lit up and he giggled happily.

"All forgiven, baby boy?" Changbin asked, and Felix nodded with a bright smile.



binspetal sorry it took so long! T_T

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