baby space!changbin
caregiver!hyunjiny'all are really loving your baby space fics right now. i'm not complaining though because i love writing them🥺
this was requested by iuvmark and i hope you enjoy!
"Come on, baby, lay still for Daddy," Hyunjin urged softly as he tried to clip Changbin's new nappy together, trying being the keyword.
Since Changbin had woken up extra little that morning, he had also woken up in the midst of an accident, something that happened a lot when he was in baby space. After getting him showered and clean, Hyunjin found it difficult to get Changbin properly dressed, able to get his t-shirt on without much difficulty, but his nappy was proving to be the real struggle, as Changbin just wouldn't lay still.
After a few more minutes of fumbling around, Hyunjin was finally able to clip the nappy into place and Changbin was up quicker than anything, crawling out of the bathroom and leaving Hyunjin to follow him.
When Changbin had made his way to the living room, he sat back on his haunches and turned around when he heard Hyunjin walk in behind him. The younger smiled at his baby, leaning down to ruffle Changbin's hair softly.
"What does baby wanna do now, hm?" He asked softly, doing his best to detect words in Changbin's babbling. Somewhere in there, Hyunjin heard "bwo" which he presumed to be Changbin's blocks. "Blocks, little one?"
Changbin nodded happily, giggling as Hyunjin kissed his forehead.
"Daddy will get them for you, doll," he said before disappearing off to the playroom, not taking long to grab the box of Changbin's blocks and bring them back to the living room, tipping the majority of them out onto the floor and pushing the box to the side. "There you go, Binnie."
Changbin leaned up to kiss Hyunjin's chin messily in his little state, and Hyunjin chuckled, kissing Changbin's forehead again in return.
Changbin played silently for a good twenty minutes while Hyunjin sat on the couch, scrolling through his phone while simultaneously making sure Changbin was ok. He went between texting Minho and going through his social media contentedly before getting a text in particular from Minho that he cooed at.
Hearing the noise coming from his caregiver, Changbin turned around, frowning lightly when he saw Hyunjin wasn't cooing at him. Crawling to the side of the couch, Changbin looked over Hyunjin's arm at his phone and what he was looking at.
"It's Jisung's niece, baby," he explained, showing the picture Minho had just sent him to Changbin from Jisung.
Jisung's older brother and his wife had just had their first child, and to say Jisung was excited about being an uncle was an understatement. Jisung was sending pictures of his niece to anyone and everyone and Hyunjin, being the only one who actually replied to Jisung, was receiving the most.
She was a cute baby, and Changbin would definitely be able to appreciate her cuteness if he were big, but he wasn't right now - and seeing Hyunjin fuss over a baby that wasn't Changbin made his heart fill with jealousy.
He whined high in his throat, frowning even more and huffing. He reached a hand up and slapped Hyunjin's phone out of his hand, immediately regretting his actions when Hyunjin looked down at him in shock.
Changbin instantly started crying as Hyunjin picked up his phone, relieved to see no cracks on the device, before turning to Changbin and picking the boy up. Changbin only cried harder, fearing he was about to be put into time out, but was pleasantly surprised when Hyunjin sat Changbin on his lap and hugged him.
"Shh, baby," he shushed Changbin, rocking him in his lap and stroking his hair. "You're not in trouble, Binnie, just tell Daddy why you did it."
Changbin pulled away to look at Hyunjin with teary eyes, sniffling as he rubbed his eyes.
"Binnie the onwy baby," he hiccuped as Hyunjin looked down at him with sympathy in his eyes.
"Course you are, baby doll!" Hyunjin exclaimed, squeezing Changbin's hand. "Were you jealous of Sungie's niece, love?"
Even though Changbin didn't want to admit it, he nodded, looking down at where his hands were engulfed in Hyunjin's.
"Oh, baby," Hyunjin cooed, raising Changbin's head with the tip of his index finger so he could kiss his baby's lips softly. "You don't need to be jealous, Binnie, because you're my only baby boy. You're Daddy's favourite, baby."
i kept writing hyunjin as the little at first for some reason lmao

{completed} cuties » stray kids
Fanficstray kids little space one-shots :) softbinnie-©