temporary caregiver!chanchan lets his feelings get in the way, but it's too late.
"Daddy!" Jisung squealed as Chan picked him up, holding him by the waist and spinning him around in the air.
Jisung had been doing so much better now since all the Renjun stuff, and he was really beginning to get more comfortable with Chan being his caregiver - even if the arrangement was still temporary. But it had been four months and Jisung hadn't found anyone yet, so Chan kept his mind open.
Now that Jisung was feeling better, he was beginning to do better in his classes, and when he told Chan he had just submitted his dissertation for the start of his second year, Chan promised him a reward if he got over a certain percentage. Chan knew Jisung was smart, so he set the bar for 75%, and wasn't surprised when Jisung blew the bar out of the water with a 95% pass. He'd even been awarded the highest grade in the class, something Chan thought he would reward Jisung extra for.
When they'd arranged the bet, Chan had asked Jisung what he wanted as his reward, and Jisung had only said "Daddy cuddles", so of course Chan prepared the comfiest and warmest cuddles for his baby when he turned up to Chan's dorm after getting his results back.
"My smart baby!" Chan exclaimed as he put Jisung down, the little still holding onto Chan for support. "You did so well, buttercup!"
Jisung bounced happily at the praise, giggling. "Baby wanted Daddy cuddles so bad, Daddy, so baby did extwa good!"
"All baby has to do when he wants Daddy cuddles is tell Daddy!" Chan replied, booping Jisung's nose gently. "Daddy will never say no to cuddles, sweetie."
"Still, Daddy," Jisung said. "Baby likes having them as wewards too! Then baby does better at everything!"
"Well, baby boy, Daddy prepared such comfy cuddles for today!" Chan announced, gesturing to his bed. There were wooly blankets, soft pillows and in the middle of the fort was a brand new baby bottle.
Jisung gasped, looking from the bed to Chan with shock all over his face. "Daddy didn't!"
A few weeks ago, Jisung had been complaining to Chan that the bottle he was using when he was little was hurting his teeth, so Chan had a look at it and told Jisung it was hurting because it was a bottle designed for babies, not littles. Jisung had pouted like crazy when he threw the bottle away, not wanting to be tempted to use it and hurting his teeth even more, and Chan decided he had to buy Jisung a new one.
"Daddy did, baby!" Chan exclaimed, tickling Jisung's sides.
He'd be honest - the bottle cost him a fortune what with the pretty design of squirrels on it and the nipple having to be shaped to fit an adult's mouth, but every penny was worth it to see the look on Jisung's face.
"Daddy, can baby have miwkies, pwease Daddy?" He asked excitedly, and Chan was never one to deny Jisung what he wanted.
"Of course, beautiful, let's go to the kitchen," Chan replied, taking Jisung's hand and the bottle from his bed. He would never admit how long it took him to set everything up on his bed for Jisung.
Ten minutes later and the two of them were snuggled under Chan's duvet plus the fluffy blankets Chan had laid out, laying back against the soft pillows. Jisung was positioned over Chan's lap, head resting on his chest and tiny fists in his t-shirt as Chan fed him his milk.

{completed} cuties » stray kids
Fanfictionstray kids little space one-shots :) softbinnie-©