caregiver!changbinchangbin's a bit of an asshole here so please don't attack him in the comments lmao
It was a well-known fact that Changbin had somewhat of a short temper. He got wound up rather easily, especially if he was being teased, and all of his friends knew this. Hyunjin knew this better than anyone, and was always the on to defuse a tense situation because he never liked to see Changbin angry. (And also because Hyunjin was the only one Changbin ever really listened to).
Hyunjin knew Changbin's limits, and Changbin knew Hyunjin's, so they always worked really well together and had a strong, healthy relationship.
Hyunjin confessed about his little space four months into the relationship, and Changbin had accepted him with open arms, offering to be Hyunjin's caregiver and everything in between and Hyunjin remembered crying at how happy he was to finally have a loving caregiver.
Changbin tried his hardest to make Hyunjin happy, and he did mess up sometimes because that's what every caregiver does from time to time. He always learnt from his mistakes and never lost his temper around Hyunjin when he was little.
But of course, that had to happen at least once. It was a learning curve, after all.
After being cooped up in his studio for fourteen hours, it was an understatement to say that Changbin was a little grouchy. All he wanted to do when he was released from that hell hole was sleep, but Hyunjin had other ideas.
"Daddy!" He squealed when he saw Changbin enter the living room. Scrambling to get up off of the floor, the little ran over to his boyfriend and caregiver, hugging him tightly.
Changbin grunted, hugging his boyfriend back nonetheless. "Hi, Hyunjinnie."
"Daddy, Daddy!" Hyunjin yelled right next to Changbin's ear, causing the older male to wince. "Daddy, come pway dwess up with me!"
Before Changbin was able to reply, Hyunjin was dragging him by the arm to sit on the floor with him, giggling as he put a cowboy hat on Changbin's head and tried to hand him a plastic gun.
"Daddy have this!" He exclaimed, pushing the gun into Changbin's hands.
"Hyunjin, I-"
"Now Daddy has to save the princess Hyunjinnie!" Hyunjin decided, standing up and giggling. "Daddy has to shoot all the bad guys. They onwy want Hyunjinnie 'cus he's pwetty."
"Hyunjin-" Changbin tried again, only to get cut off by Hyunjin again.
"Owie, Daddy, they're getting me!" The little complained, pouting.
Changbin had had enough. He dropped the gun on the floor next to him and tore the cowboy hat from his head, throwing it on the floor, causing Hyunjin to flinch.
"D-Daddy?" He tried cautiously, but Changbin was already way past his limit.
"Hyunjin, would you just shut up for a second?" He yelled, looking up at his boyfriend as he pulled himself up from the floor. "Jesus, I've only just gotten back from working, at least let me breathe!"
Hyunjin was shocked. He'd never seen Changbin this angry, and he'd never ever been the cause of any of his outbursts.
"'M-M sow-"
"No, just shut up!" Changbin yelled, louder than he did before, and Hyunjin closed his mouth, tears filling his eyes. "You run up to me fucking screaming in my ear and you expect me not to get annoyed?"
Hyunjin looked over at his boyfriend, his body starting to shake as the tears began to roll down his cheeks. Once Changbin saw those tears, he instantly regretted everything.
"Baby, I-"
All of a sudden, Hyunjin let out a loud sob, ripping the princess crown from his head and throwing it on the floor next to him before running up the stairs as fast as he could and into his playroom, slamming the door and locking it behind him.
Locating his phone on the floor next to his Barbie dolls, Hyunjin rushed over to it, kneeling down on the soft rug and picking up the device with shaking hands. Wiping the tears from his face, Hyunjin scrolled through his contacts and sighing in relief when he came across Felix's.
Pressing 'call', Hyunjin held the phone up to his ear as he heard Changbin's footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Hey, Hyunjin!" Felix's cheerful voice sounded through the speaker on the older male's phone, and Hyunjin whimpered. "Hyunjin? You ok?"
"C-Can you come to mine, please? Please, please, Felix, I need to go somewhere. A-Away from Binnie, please," Hyunjin begged, beginning to cry.
"Hey, hey, Jinnie, it's ok. Jisung and I will come, ok? What happened? Did Changbin-hyung hurt you?" Felix asked as Hyunjin rushed around the room, packing all sorts of things that he might need while he was at Felix and Jisung's place.
"Baby? Hyunjin, please, open the door," he could hear Changbin begging from outside and he shook his head.
"P-Please, Felix, I'll tell you later just p-please come and get me," he cried, and Felix hummed.
"Ok, Jinnie. We'll be ten minutes tops," the Australian replied, swiftly hanging up and leaving Hyunjin on his own.
"Baby? Jinnie?" Changbin said from behind the door and Hyunjin felt his eyes well up with tears again. "Baby, please, I'm so sorry. Daddy's so sorry."
Hyunjin ignored Changbin as he continued packing his overnight bag, not forgetting his phone charger and favourite stuffed animal.
"You know Daddy loves you more than anything in the whole world, princess," Changbin reassured. "Please just come out, baby, so we can talk about this. Daddy promises he won't shout anymore."
Hyunjin sat in the middle of the room, clutching his phone in his hands as he waited for Jisung to text him saying they were outside. And when the text came through, Hyunjin was up and off of the floor in record time.
When he opened the door, he didn't expect Changbin to be leaning against it, and was surprised when the elder stumbled backwards. Hyunjin just pushed past him and began to run down the stairs, ignoring Changbin's pleas for him to stay. He could tell Changbin was crying, but he promised himself he wouldn't look back, and he didn't.
i completely forgot to post because i'm hungover i'm so sorry

{completed} cuties » stray kids
Fanfictionstray kids little space one-shots :) softbinnie-©