annoying » minsung

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basically jisung gets told he's annoying lmao


Minho stood with Jisung's hand in his, waiting patiently on Hyunjin's doorstep. Jisung was supposed to be being looked after by Hyunjin while Minho was at work for the day, since Jisung and Hyunjin's little - Seungmin - got on really well.

"Hi, Sungie!" Hyunjin greeted when he opened the door and saw Jisung and Minho.

"Hi, Jinnie!" Jisung grinned and waved, causing the two men in front and next to him to chuckle lightly.

Jisung was always lively, always happy and full of energy and Minho honestly wouldn't have had it any other way. When Jisung was happy, Minho was happy, and he loved that Jisung always had so much to say to him. It showed Minho that he felt comfortable around him.

Minho did feel bad about having to leave Jisung like this, but he knew Hyunjin would take good care of his baby for him, and Minho had promised him a movie tonight if he was good for Hyunjin.

"Right, I'll be back at four, ok, baby?" He reminded Jisung, and the younger nodded. "Be a good boy for Jinnie."

"I will, Daddy!" Jisung exclaimed, and Hyunjin ruffled his hair.

"He's always good so no need to worry about that," the brunette smiled, and Minho gave Jisung one last kiss on the forehead before he was promptly leaving. "Minnie's upstairs if you want to go up there and play with him, darling."

Jisung nodded happily before walking up the stairs with a big smile on his face. He knew better than to run, even though he really wanted to.

"Hi, Seungminnie!" The redhead greeted loudly when he walked into Seungmin's room, and the younger boy looked up at him, annoyed.

"Sungie, you distwacted me!" He complained, frowning, and Jisung's smile faded slightly.

"Sowwy, Minnie," he apologised sheepishly, taking a seat next to his friend and peering over his shoulder at what Seungmin was doing.

When he saw that Seungmin was colouring in a picture of a butterfly, he gasped loudly, startling Seungmin.

"Sungie!" The little yelled, causing Jisung to flinch. "Shut up, you're so annoying!"

Jisung sat back on his knees a little, not expecting Seungmin to snap at him like that. He stared at Seungmin in shock as the other little huffed out in annoyance before turning back to his colouring.

For the rest of the day, Jisung didn't say much, only saying small 'thank you's when Hyunjin would give him something to eat or drink or help him go to the toilet. By the time Minho had come to pick him up, Hyunjin had a worried frown on his brow.

"How was he?" Minho asked as Jisung hugged him tightly, smiling at Hyunjin. (Minho, not Jisung).

"He was very good, as usual," Hyunjin answered. "But he was a lot quieter than he normally is. I'm going to ask Seungmin if anything happened if I can manage to get him out of his room."

Minho frowned a little as he looked down at Jisung in his arms, face buried in his caregiver's chest, and brought a hand up to stroke his hair.

"Ok," he replied, thinking about what could've happened to Jisung. "Thanks for looking after him again, Hyunjin."

"My pleasure."


"Come sit, bub," Minho patted his thigh once he'd taken a seat on the couch, and Jisung did as he was told instantly.

"Are we gonna watch movie now, Daddy?" Jisung asked quietly, looking up at Minho expectantly.

"We will, baby," Minho nodded, wrapping his arms around Jisung's waist protectively to stop him from falling off. "But first, will you tell me what happened today at Hyunjinnie's house? You were so happy when you went in and then you came out looking like something bad had happened."

"Nothing bad happened, Daddy," Jisung answered almost robotic, and Minho sighed.

"Are you lying to me, Sungie?" He asked, and Jisung felt the tears welling up in his eyes.

Whenever Minho asked him that, Jisung knew it was his last chance to tell him the truth otherwise he would get a punishment if Minho found out he was lying, and Jisung really didn't want a punishment - not after the day he'd had.

Jisung nodded, sniffling as one of Minho's hands came up to card through his orange locks.

"Tell Daddy what happened, love," the older invited, holding Jisung close.

"S-Seungminnie was cowouwing a-and the picture wooked weally nice s-so I gasped and he yelled at me and cawwed me annoying!" Jisung cried, and Minho frowned.

Jisung? Annoying? Where?

"Baby, you know you're not annoying," Minho started gently. "You're my baby, Jisung, and you're the most amazing, funny, sweet, energetic person I've ever met. Seungmin is just jealous because he's nowhere near as great as you are."

Jisung nodded sadly, wiping his tears away with his fists.

"Daddy will call Hyunjinnie tomorrow and tell him, ok, honey?" Minho proposed, and before Jisung could nod, his phone started ringing. Pulling the device out from his hoodie pocket, he scoffed lightly. "Speak of the devil."

Answering the call, Jisung watched as Minho put the phone up to his hear with pursed lips.

"Hello?" He said, still not looking amused.

"Hey, hyung," Jisung could hear Hyunjin from the other line. "Look, Seungmin told me what happened today and he wants to apologise to Jisung."

"Really? Wow, ok," Minho answered with a laugh. "I'm going to put you on speaker, Hyunjin."

Minho fumbled with his phone for a few seconds before he was laying the phone down on his free thigh.

"Go on, Minnie," Hyunjin whispered from the phone, and Jisung looked down at the device expectantly.

"Sungie, 'm sowwy I cawwed you annoying," Seungmin apologised. "I wasn't feewing weww today, but I was a big meanie to caww you annoying. Can we stiww be fwiends?"

Jisung hummed, nodding even though Seungmin couldn't see him. "We can stiww be fwiends, Seungminnie."

Minho smiled at his baby, giving him a kiss on the forehead as a reward for him being the bigger person and accepting Seungmin's apology.

"Good boy."


if anyone ever hurts jisung, the jisung stans will kill them. i'm not even joking, y'all are crazy

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