soft » minlix

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i just watched lee know's vlog and felt inspired to write this after seeing his soft he is with his cats :(((


"Baby," Minho whispered, kneeling down next to the bed and resting his hand gently on Felix's head.

The sun was shining through the cracks in the blinds behind Felix, glowing against his blond hair and moisturised face. Felix washed his face every morning and every night, and he always used this cream that made his skin glow and soft to the touch.

Minho refrained from touching Felix's face yet though, instead opting to stroke his baby's hair as that always helped in waking Felix up.

It was Saturday morning, and Minho was up early like he always was. Despite both of them being up late the night before, Felix still managed to sleep in. Minho didn't mind though; he knew Felix needed the rest after the stresses of last week. The restaurant he worked at was working him like crazy, giving him ridiculous shifts and yelling at him when he didn't do something right.

Felix was just starting out as a waiter, and he liked it as far as Minho could tell, but sometimes he would get too overwhelmed and needed somewhere to cry. Minho was that somewhere, and someone, having been Felix's boyfriend for three years. Felix knew he could trust him, and so when work got too much he would slip and let Minho take care of him for a change instead of Felix always looking after and serving others.

He'd had a good cry last night, telling Minho about this party of middle aged women who were celebrating a party, and how one of them yelled at Felix when he brought out the wrong starters, and even how another one of them slapped him when he spilled champagne on her expensive dress. Felix had never experienced something like that before - sure he'd been yelled at and whatnot - but never physically attacked. And, being Felix, he started crying right there when it happened.

His boss had let him go home early after that, and Felix cried to Minho about thinking he would be fired. Minho assured Felix that if that happened, he would be going down there to have a word with Felix's boss.

And so Felix slept like the baby he is after crying for what felt like hours, and Minho thought it would be a good time to wake him up now. As he kept stroking Felix's hair, Minho smiled as Felix stirred, whimpering as his eyes opened to the light.

"Daddy," Felix mumbled, nuzzling his face into Minho's hand when the elder finally stroked his cheek.

"Hi, pretty baby boy," Minho whispered, smiling as Felix's eyes opened fully, looking at Minho with that confusion everyone had when first waking up.

"Daddy," Felix mumbled again, shuffling forward on his side towards Minho.

"Daddy's here, baby, come here," Minho cooed, standing up and lifting Felix from the bed and onto his hip. "Good boy."

Felix's head immediately dropped to Minho's shoulder, sleepily sucking on his thumb as Minho rocked him back and forth.

"Daddy," Felix whimpered, and Minho hummed in response, stroking Felix's blonde hair and holding him close.

"Yes, little one?" He asked, kissing Felix's temple and letting his lips linger there for a moment as Felix breathed cutely through his nose, still a little bunged up from crying the night before.

"Mornin', Dada," he said, angling his head so he could kiss Minho's chin.

Minho chuckled, hiking Felix further up his hip before kissing his forehead over and over again.

"Good morning, baby boy," he replied, rubbing Felix's back. "What does my angel want to do today, hm?"

"Baby wants," Felix started, cutting himself off to think about what it was that he wanted. "Baby wants Dada."

"Dada's here, baby!" Minho exclaimed, bouncing Felix on his hip.

"Dada..." Felix whined, holding onto Minho tighter as he attempted to climb higher up Minho's hip. This happened often, when Felix was little and tired and overwhelmed and just wanted Minho. He would try to get as close as possible to Minho even if he was already as close as physically possible.

"Oh, baby, Dada's right here," Minho reassured, sitting down on the bed and letting Felix crawl all over him. "Right here, baby!"

Felix sometimes mimicked a cat with his actions, pawing at Minho's thighs, chest, arms until he was comfortable laying on top of Minho curled into a ball. Minho pulled his knees up so Felix was curled right against his chest, holding the younger boy's head to his chest so Felix could hear his heartbeat.

Minho was reminded often of why he loved Felix so much, and seeing the little boy so vulnerable just for him, trusting in a way that most couples couldn't even dream of, made Minho feel like the luckiest man in the world.

And he knew for a fact that he was.



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