babygirl » minlix (part 3)

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minho slaps up some bitches and they all live happily ever after

WARNING! this chapter does contain some transphobic and homophobic language but only for a couple bits of dialogue. please proceed with caution and ily babies 🥺


"What are you doing?" Felix asked as he walked into the living room, favourite pink rucksack slung over his shoulders and one of Minho's grey jumpers resting comfortably over his torso. On his legs he wore another skirt, this one a light shade of blue.

When he walked out into the living room, he didn't expect to still see Minho sitting on the couch. When he'd woken up, Felix saw Minho sitting there before he went for a shower, but he thought he would definitely be gone for work by now.

"Hi, baby," Minho smiled at his boyfriend. "Are you ready to go?"

"Go where?" Felix asked, still half-asleep.

"School, silly," Minho chuckled. "I'm going to take you and pick you up today, just as a precaution."

"Hyung, you don't need to do that," Felix sighed. "I can look after myself."

"I know you can, darling," Minho reassured, walking towards Felix and holding the younger's little hands in his own. "I'm just a little worried, ok, honey? This is only so I won't be worrying at work all day. Please let me?"

Felix felt something flare in his gut, something negative.

"Stop babying me, Minho, I can walk myself to class," he hissed as he yanked his hands from Minho's.

"Felix, I know you can," Minho repeated. "Please, love, let's not argue."

"Then stop trying to force yourself to watch over me," Felix replied angrily. "I'm 19 years old and I can look after myself. Now go to work."

Felix tied the shoelaces on his white converse and left without even giving Minho a kiss goodbye. And the moment he left, Felix felt the anger inside of him be replaced with guilt as he walked down the road and to the campus he studied at.


For the whole day, Felix had been extremely anxious - even more so than usual. And it had nothing to do with his bullies. In fact, he hadn't seen them all day, and if he had seen them he didn't even register they were there because all he could think about was Minho, and what would happen when he got home.

Would Minho be angry with him? Upset? Would he break up with Felix? Felix had tried calling and texting him during his breaks, but Minho didn't answer. The rational part of Felix's brain was telling him it was just because he was busy, not because he was ignoring him, but the irrational part of Felix's brain was telling him the opposite.

When he went to his art theory class after lunch, Felix really wished he had taken Minho up on the offer to walk him to campus, as it would've given him at least some confidence facing Donghyun (also because he wouldn't be feeling so anxious thinking Minho hated him).

"Oh, look, it's Felix!" Donghyun sneered as Felix walked past him. "Whose jumper is that? It looks disgusting."

Felix did his best to ignore Donghyun as he walked past him, keeping his eyes trained on the classroom his class was in, but Donghyun just had to go one step further. Felix knew he was behind him, following him, and he expected Donghyun to push him or something petty like that, not to flip up the back of his skirt, causing cold air to hit his exposed upper thighs.

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