innocent » minho x skz

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i've combined two requests here from jinnesgrapes and Hannahrose0101 as they had roughly the same premise for their requests!

little minho (who's a little bit of a troublemaker but all around a cutie) gets wrongly blamed for something and punished :)

i hope you enjoy!


Minho hummed to himself as he laid on his stomach on the carpeted floor of their dorm. He wasn't entirely sure where everyone else was but he didn't really mind. Minho was quite an independent little and only really, desperately needed his caregivers when he was too little to do things for himself like get something to eat or go to the toilet.

Right now, however, Minho was feeling maybe a little bigger than he normally did when he was little, but still little enough to wonder where his caregivers were. He knew Chan was taking a well deserved nap after pulling another all-nighter the night before in his studio, and he knew Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jeongin were in the youngest's room doing whatever. As for Changbin and Jisung and Felix, though, Minho didn't know.

Scribbling on the page in front of him, Minho giggled absentmindedly to himself as he finished up his amazing colouring, getting up and wanting to show it to whoever would look at it. As he began to make his way over to Jeongin's room, the sudden sound of a window smashing behind him startled Minho so much that he flinched and screamed.

Turning around, the little stared in horror as he saw one of the windows smashed, glass scattered around the floor and a single tennis ball in the middle of the mess. Upon hearing Minho's scream, Chan had woken up from his slumber, stumbling into the main room and staring at the mess alongside Minho.

Jeongin, Seungmin and Hyunjin had also heard the sound of Minho's scream as well as glass smashing and rushed into the room, looking in shock at the mess as well.

Minho didn't know why he was crying, but all he knew was that he was - probably from the shock - and Hyunjin cuddled the older boy into his chest reassuringly. Chan cautiously walked over to the broken window, looking out of the hole in the wall in search for anyone who could've broken it. But when he didn't see anyone else around, he turned to Minho.

"Minho, did you do this?" He asked, and Minho's teary eyes widened as he shook his head insistently.

"N-No! No, Channie, Minho didn't!" He cried as Hyunjin rubbed his arm. "M-Minho didn't, Channie!"

"But this is one of your tennis balls, right?" Chan asked, picking up the ball that caused the wreckage. Minho stared at it, gulping as he nodded.

Minho owned a pack of tennis balls just like that one, and while anyone could have owned a tennis ball like that one, Chan would be less likely to believe Minho anyway. Minho was known to be a troublemaker when he was little, but never with bad intentions. So, it wasn't difficult to think Minho was playing with a ball in the main room and smashed a window with it in the process.

"You know you're not supposed to play ball games inside," Chan scolded, clearly annoyed at being woken up as well as having the task of cleaning up the mess afterwards.

"B-But Channie, I didn't!" Minho continued to insist, but Chan wasn't having it.

"Stop arguing with me, Lee Minho, and go to your room. We'll talk about this later," Chan ordered harshly and Minho cried even harder.

"Hyung, don't you think-"

"Now, Minho," Chan cut Hyunjin off, and the dancer was forced to let go of Minho as the little trudged to his room, stopping short of the door to crumple up the colouring he did and doing his best to throw it at Chan. It didn't get very far, though.

Minho slammed the door behind him, flinging himself onto his bed and sobbing with his whole chest. His cries could be heard by the others in the living room, as they worked in silence to clean up the mess of glass, being careful not to cut themselves.

None of the younger members wanted to say anything about Minho being punished, as when Chan assumed something about any of them, he was usually right. But this time seemed like a bit of a stretch. While they all knew Minho was capable of something like that, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jeongin just didn't think it was him this time.


"So, let me get this straight," Changbin started, eyebrows knitted in disbelief. "A tennis ball came flying through the window and you immediately assume it was Minho who did it? Did you even check him for any injuries?"

"No," Chan replied, sighing. "Ok, so I should've checked him for injuries first, but who else would've thrown a tennis ball through our window? We live at the top of the dorms so it definitely wasn't an accident.

"But how does that immediately add up to 'Minho did it'?" Hyunjin asked.

"You were a bit too unfair, hyung," Jeongin added. "Minho-hyung was clearly terrified when it happened."

Chan sighed, realising a while ago that he was partly at fault for Minho being punished. He wasn't thinking straight at the time and was more annoyed at being woken up unnecessarily after working for three days straight.

As he was about to get up to go and apologise to Minho, a knock at the door surprised the members, and Felix got up to go and answer it.

The other six members stood behind Felix as he opened the door, surprised to see their manager standing there.

"We found out what happened with your window," he said. "Some street thugs are going around smashing people's windows. We don't know why, but we got footage from the security camera above the dorm. We'll get it sorted for you by Wednesday."

"Thank you," Felix said as he bowed in appreciation.

When the younger closed the door, all eyes fell on Chan, and Chan rolled his own.

"I'm going, I'm going!" He put his hands up in surrender as he made his way to the room he shared with Minho and opened the door ajar. "Minho, baby?"

"Go away," Minho immediately replied, clearly still upset from earlier.

"Baby, please," Chan begged. "Channie wants to say sorry for blaming you becasue he knows now that Minnie didn't break the window."

"Minnie told Channie he didn't bweak the window but Channie didn't bewieve him," Minho said, and Chan sighed to himself.

"I know baby, Channie knows," he replied, walking over to Minho's bed and sitting on the edge of it. "Channie is so so sorry, baby boy and he promises that won't happen again."

When Minho didn't reply, Chan shuffled closer to the younger boy and placed a hand on his arm. "Can Channie have a hug, please, baby?"

Minho sniffled and turned so he was looking at Chan with teary eyes and held his arms out for Chan to pick him up. Chan did so without hesitating and held Minho close to his chest, rubbing the younger boy's back up and down as he shushed him.

"I love you, baby."


hope you enjoyed!

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