reassurance » jeongin x skz

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little innie was requested by -ChimSuga- and i hope you enjoy! i thought this was really cute hehe


Jeongin stared nervously from the from in front of him to Chan sitting behind the glass, who was smiling at him reassuringly.

"You ready to go, Innie?" Chan asked into the microphone he had that transmitted to the speakers in the recording booth.

Jeongin flinched slightly at the sudden loud noise and looked at Chan once again, nodding as he gulped and put the headset on. Staring back at the microphone in front of him, Jeongin could still see Changbin and Jisung rushing around Chan's studio, trying to get everything ready for Jeongin's recording.

He had been trying to put it off for as long as possible, allowing other members to record before him and pretending to be asleep when the time called for it and when Chan asked him to come and record.

Jeongin knew his vocals had improved a lot since debut, what with both fans and his fellow members telling him so, but that didn't mean he still wasn't terrified. The youngest often had tendencies to get very embarrassed, and while he always smiled and laughed his misfortunes off when he was at fansigns or concerts, when it was just him and his members he took it to heart a lot more.

He really didn't want to record for this album. His notes were too high for him to hit, and he just knew he was going to mess them up and make Chan and the other disappointed. And he didn't want that!

"Whenever you're ready, Innie," Changbin spoke softly through the other mic, and Jeongin gave him an uneasy smile.

Chan hit play on the music and the song began to play instrumentally in Jeongin's headphones, the melody all too familiar to Jeongin. He could hear the vocals of the other members, which made knowing his cue a lot easier, but when it came Jeongin opened his mouth only for no words to come out.

Just a small squeak that caused him to close his mouth and gulp nervously. Chan stopped the music and suddenly his, Changbin's and Jisung's gazes were on him.

"You ok, Jeongin?" Jisung asked, and Jeongin nodded stiffly.

"Take your time, Innie," Chan reassured softly. "We have all day so we can go over this as many times as you want, ok?"

Jeongin nodded again, exhaling through his mouth and adjusting the headphones on his head. He'd done this many times before - record a song. He'd witnessed the time when Minho's voice cracked during one of his high notes, and was astonished at how everyone just laughed it off like it was nothing.

And Jisung forgot his lines all the times and was able to recover from it.

Jeongin could do that too, he was sure of it. Clearing his throat, Jeongin braced himself for the music to start up again, which it did. But he still didn't feel ready, and that much was evident when his cue came around and he botched it up again.

But he actually managed to sing this time, albeit it not very much. Jeongin got about two seconds into his lines before his voice cracked and he squeaked in shame, feeling the tears filling his eyes.

"Hey, Innie, it's ok," Changbin said gently into the mic. "Happens to all of us, ok?"

Despite being this close to combusting into fits of tears, Jeongin looked up at Changbin and nodded, his shoulders shaking.

"Hey, hey, baby it's ok," Chan cooed, standing up from his seat. "Channie's coming, ok?"

And that was when Jeongin finally let himself go, scrambling to get his headset off and sobbing loudly. Changbin and Jisung shut down their laptops, mixers and both theirs and Jeongin's mics before following Chan round to the recording studio.

When Chan opened the door, he was met with Jeongin sitting in the middle of it crying his little heart out, and when the little saw the others, he immediately made grabby hands for anyone who would pick him up.

Chan was the first to do so, rushing over to Jeongin's side and picking him up from the floor, holding him close to his chest. The little was crying so hard that Chan feared he would never be able to return him to his usual bubbly state, but as he rubbed Jeongin's back and Changbin stroked his hair and Jisung rubbed his arm, Jeongin finally began to calm down.

"Come on, darling, let's get you back to the dorm," Chan encouraged softly, carrying Jeongin to the dorm and letting Changbin open the door.

"Wow, that was quick!" Hyunjin gasped as he heard the others walk in, only turning around once he had finished scrolling through his phone. And then he saw Jeongin. "Woah, is he ok?"

Chan nodded. "Poor bub just got a little nervous during the recording."

Hyunjin pouted his sadness for the youngest.

"We're just gonna take him to go have a chat," Changbin said before the four of them disappeared to one of the empty bedrooms.

Chan sat down on one of the beds with Jeongin in his lap, who he passed to Jisung as he held Jeongin's little hands in his. Changbin sat down to the side of both Jisung and Chan, offering his presence as comfort to the youngest.

"What happened, doll?" Chan asked softly, running his thumbs over Jeongin's knuckles.

"I-It's too high, Channie..." Jeongin hiccuped, looking at Chan with sad little eyes. "I-Innie can't get that high..."

"Oh, baby, we can change that - easily!" Jisung reassured from behind Jeongin, rubbing the boy's arms up and down. "We'll make the song lower in pitch so it's easier for you to sing, ok?"

"N-No, Sungie!" Jeongin shook his head desperately. "T-Then evewyone else would have to wecord their wines again..."

"Honey, that doesn't matter," Changbin piped in softly, lowering his head to meet Jeongin's gaze. "We're all in this together and if one member or even more members don't feel comfortable then we can change it. You know it's no hassle, sweetheart."

"Pwomise?" Jeongin asked, looking up at Changbin pleadingly, causing the rapper to chuckle.

"Promise, little one."

After that, Jeongin spent the rest of the day in little space, eventually returning to his normal happy state and playing happily with the other members. Minho and Seungmin were currently playing blocks, both caregivers dramatically falling over when Jeongin knocked down their towers and giggled himself half to death.

Chan, Changbin and Jisung had returned to the studio to work on lowering the pitch for the new song, all the while talking and joking happily, not having a single problem with having to work overtime if it was for their precious baby.


thank you so much for 100k reads!!

i'm getting a lot of requests right now and it's kind of overwhelming but i'm powering through it for you guys! thank you so much for being so patient!


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