The next day I tried calling Lucas but the phone went straight to voice mail. So I tried again. And again. After five calls and five voicemails, I gave up. He was probably busy anyway.
After a shower I tied my hair back into a ponytail and changed into a pair of skinny jeans and an orange sweater. I slide on my gray thigh high boots and went to the kitchen for breakfast. By the smell of it, Ricky made waffles.
Roddi was mid bite when I entered the kitchen. "What?" I asked walking over to the plate of waffles he was hovering over. "You called Lucas yet?" He asked waving the waffle around as he spoke.
"Yeah, why?" I asked picking up a waffle and munching on it. "Oh. Well Josh called." I cough a little and went to the trash can to spit out the evil pastry that tried to choke me. "Why?" I asked when I could finally breathe again. Roddi shrugs and tosses the waffle down on the plate.
"He asked if it would be okay if he took you out to lunch."
Him? Take me out? A Matthews? Nuh uh, no way.
"Seemed pretty nervous." Roddi said passing me the house phone. I looked down at it. The number was already punched in. "You should give him a call. You shouldn't be in your room all day."
So, I did.
I met up with Josh at Topanga's. When I walked in he was seated at the counter. "Hey, Honey Bunny." He called out before taking a sip of his frappé.
I made my way over and sat on a stool next to him. "Don't call me that you tool."
"Woah there. I have nicknames for everyone I know, I'm sure you do too." He says sitting down his drink.
"How are you feeling?" He asked. I raised my eyebrows. I literally just met this guy yesterday and he called my house phone to see how I'm feeling?
"What do you mean?" I asked fidgeting with the menus. Josh takes them and sets them to the side.
"Don't think I didn't notice you sneak off with Lucas yesterday."
Shit. What if he gets the wrong idea?!
"Lucas and I are just friends. He just wanted to talk about NYU." I say crossing my arms. What gives him the right to judge my friendship with Lucas?
"I'm going to let you in on a little secret." He starts, I sigh waiting for him to continue. "Lucas loves you, and Maya knows that." I look down at the counter. Josh leans his head on his hand against the counter.
"I'm an observer. The way he looks at you is in no friendly way. It's as if he's warning every other guy in the room that your his." Josh says as Valerie, as it says on her name tag, brings over a couple of sandwiches. "Thanks Val." He says waving to the girl who nods and heads to the back.
I'm silent, how many others have noticed this?
"Maya can see it too. That's why she doesn't like you." I cross my arms on the table.
"Maya has always hated me." I mumble.
"She shouldn't. Her and Lucas haven't been in a relationship for the past two weeks." Josh says biting into a sandwich.
They haven't been dating? Why hide something like that? All the sneaking around we do is for nothing??
"What happened?" I asked examining the other sandwich.
"Something about her being in love with someone else. And based on last night it's clear that he is too." Josh says reaching for a napkin.
I nod. "Why would you tell me this?" I ask.

Boy meets Girl
FanfictionDylan meets Josh remake. Felt it should have been more descriptive. And I gave it a better plot line. Aka I wrote the first one like 4 years ago. New romances and friendships! Created: Oct 2019 Ended: Jan 2022 Sequel: Darling & Dearest