Prince Charming on a White Horse

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After a short horse ride Aunt Cat offered lemonade to the Friars. I could tell Lucas tried to politely decline but Aunt Cat would not take no for an answer.

"Why don't you guys head upstairs?" Aunt Cat said.

Without any interaction Lucas and I walked upstairs to my room. When we entered Lucas crawled onto the bed while I sat on the edge a few inches away.

"She's not very subtle is she?"

I shake my head.

There's a moment of silence.

"I like your tattoo."

"Thanks. Josh chose it."

"I was gonna say something earlier but I didn't know.. if we were speaking.." Lucas said nudging me softly in the back with his elbow.

I shift my weight and now we're laying side by side. "We aren't." I mumbled looking at him.

I hear him exhale and then his eyes are on me. I look away but I can still feel them. I didn't really have anything else to say to him.

"Dylan.." He started.

I cut him off. "Why did you say those things about me? And why would you complain to someone else.." I sit up and clinch my fist.

The words about me lingered in the air.

"I.. I was tired Dylan."

"Tired of what!" I exclaimed and he grabbed my wrist. It wouldn't be the first time I balled my fist during an argument.

"Were you tired of me!" I shouted and he shushed me to lower my voice. I hate it when he does that.

"Those things I said about you aren't true." Lucas started and I decided to let him continue. "They don't describes you at all.. but that's how I felt. About myself."

He wouldn't look me the the eye anymore. His hand let go of my wrist. We were both sitting up now and the room was silent again.

"I felt pathetic.." He mumbled. I got a glimpse of his facial expression and it was one I have never seen before. Guilt.

"I felt so pathetic and needy because I was tired of hiding my feelings. I wanted a real relationship with you, but I don't know." He said.

I cupped his cheek. It was wet. Fresh tears. I felt a lump for in my throat.

"Lucas, I'm dating Josh."

He nods. "I know. Maya told me. She told me you guys were hanging out and that's when I decided I wasn't the pathetic-needy one. But I was.." He moved my hand away.

"Why was Maya talking about me and Josh?" I asked and he climbed off the bed. He didn't say anything.


"Because she was jealous and so was I!" He shouted.

I winced. He's never yelled at me before. Whenever we argued it was always me who raised my voice.

"Why?" I mumbled.

"Because she loved him and I loved you!" He massaged his temples and I moved back to the edge of the bed. My feet touched the floor.

"She loves him. And I love you." I stopped in my tracks. I close my eyes and turn my head away.

"Are you going to say anything?" He mumbled.

What could I say?

"I think we should just not speak for a little while longer." I say.

He nods and I can see anger rising.

"For how long?" He asked.

I shrugged. He nodded again and made his way to the door. Before he left he glanced over in my direction.

"I didn't think our story would be over before it even started." He scoffed.

I knew I should have kept my mouth shut but I just wanted him to leave.. until I was ready to listen but it just came out.

"What story?"

The door shut behind him and when I heard the Friars leave, Aunt Cat came upstairs. She sat on the bed with me while I balled my eyes out.

"I thought he was your Prince Charming. Que pasa Sobrina?" She asked.

Prince Charming doesn't always show up on a white horse to declare his love. But sometimes he does, and he ends up being too late.

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