Yellow Light!

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"Please tell me who all here says yellow when playing Red light, Green light?" Tyler asked the group.

Lucas, Logan, Jasmine, Riley, Roddi, Daniel and I were playing in the park. It is a nice day out for mid-January so we all decided to hang out. Josh is busy helping Sophie paint her nursery and Avery and Karl decided to go to the movies for their anniversary. Jasmine asked if Logan could tag along and I thought the more the merry! 

Until now.

Tyler had been it last and I tagged him. So now it was my turn.

"Green light!"

I could hear their feet moving and when I didn't like how close they sounded I turned around and shouted, "Red light!"

"Fuck!" Daniel said tripping over his own feet.  Maya laughed while keeping still beside him.

"Go back." I ordered and he huffed. "Stupid f*cking red light.."

I turned my back again. Roddi, Riley and Logan were the farthest and Tyler and Jasmine were closer. "Green light."

More shuffling feet. "Yellow light."

I watched as a few of them stood confused. Logan, Riley, Roddi and Daniel continued to walk. I didn't stop them.

"Wait, hold up." Tyler said and they stopped walking.

"Yellow light means walk slowly." Roddi said.  "And we were." Riley added.

Tyler crossed his arms and Daniel commented, "You know, like actual driving."

"I don't drive. Half of us don't, its f*cking New York." Logan said shoving Daniel.

I sighed. 

"Please tell me who all here says yellow when playing Red light, Green light?" Tyler asked the group.

Roddi, Riley, Logan, Daniel and I raised our hands. 

"Riley you've never used it." Maya said. "But I don't think it's wrong to." Riley said back.

"Jasmine why don't you?" Logan asked.  She rolled her eyes. "Because the game is about tagging the person without getting caught. What's the point of walking slow?"

While some of them argued Roddi and I walked over to wear Lucas is sitting under a tree. "Can you believe that?" I asked sitting down next to him. Roddi sat down on the other side of Lucas.

He took a deep breath and laughed. "I'm not surprised." 

"What do YOU think Lucas?" Roddi asked. Lucas looked over at me. "We always used yellow light. Zay would happily agree." I laughed. If Zay were here right now with us he'd ask everyone straight away whether we should use it or not so no one would be confused.

I sighed. "Where is Zay? He's missed like two weeks of school."

Lucas frowned. "He went to see his grandma. She had an accident and sprained her ankle."

I frowned and looked back at our friends. Logan and Jasmine had stopped arguing to watch everyone else. Riley was explaining to Maya who just nodded her head. It was not that big of a deal. Annnnd then there's Tyler and Daniel. 

Daniel was sitting on top of Tyler's back and was shouting, "Yellow lights are important Tyler! Just admit it and I'll get off of you!" Tyler would respond with, "Your crushing me you pr*ck!"

Roddi got up. "Let me stop them before they get arrested.. again." He said before running over to them. 

I turned my body towards Lucas and just waited for him to notice. He was looking at Riley who was now spinning with Maya like they were playing Ring 'round a Rosie. He smiled. 

"Hey," I said and he looked at me. I smirked at him. "What?"

I shake my head and I smile. "Riley is a special girl isn't she?"

I could hear him lay his head against the tree. "We didn't work out. She and I are better as friends."

"Like you and I?" He looked at me. "I dated Maya, Dylan. It was nice but I felt Riley drifting away from me. When she let me stay the night on New Years it made me think."

"Maya is into someone else and maybe Riley was drifting away because she liked seeing you both happy but maybe she wasn't."

Lucas rolled his eyes. "How do you know that?"

I smiled. "Josh." He's her uncle. He's observant. Lucas shook his head. 

I shrugged. "It was not our choice. We can't help who we fall for Lucas. You can only accept it." Lucas began to laugh. "But I'm not interested in Riley like that. I mean I love her, she's my best friend. I just.."

I put my hand on his shoulder. "But there is a girl?"

He nods. 

"Tell me."


"Tell me Friar."


"Lucas." I looked at him and frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Just leave it alone Dylan." I shook my head no. "You are important to me and I want to know more about this special girl."

Lucas stood up and looked down at me. "Her name is Isadora. I met her from Farkle. Zay and her are good friends. She has always teased me but I heard how Missy and Sara publicly embarrassed her. I called her after Riley went to sleep and she thanked me. She was very upset. After that she called me back and asked if I wanted to hang out. I helped her around her house and talked to her parents. They said she was lucky to have someone like me.."

I smiled. Smackle is a very sweet girl, unless she's in competition with Farkle. I've heard them argue in the halls. "She is very lucky to have you there for her."

I stood up and we walked over to the group.

"Let's play a different game!" Lucas said.

"Freeze tag, not it." I said. 

"Not it!" Cried everyone else.

"Damn it!" Daniel mumbled and we took off running.

Days like these are the ones I will miss the most.

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