School hasn't started back yet but Avery and Jasmine wanted to have a girls day in the park. I wanted to get out and not stress about anything but that so is not the case for today.
"Earth to Dylan? Are you okay?" Avery said after waving her hand in front of my face.
I could feel my cheeks heating up. I didn't realize I wasn't paying attention. Had she said something.
"Please tell me you aren't still thinking about what happened last night?" Jasmine said before sipping on her tea.
I shrugged but my pout did not seem convincing enough.
"Alright get up." Jasmine said standing up. Avery got up from the bench as well and crossed her arms. "Yeah, up."
I stood up with confusion. "You said Josh had a study meeting today right?" Jasmine said with a smirk on her face.
I didn't want to answer but I nodded my head yes.
"Why don't you just go see if she's there, introduce yourself and then poof! No more sad Dylan." Avery said with enthusiasm.
"I'm not upset you guys."
"Liar. Roddi told us who told Valerie who told Tyler who told Avery who told me what's going on." Jasmine said as a matter of factly.
I sighed and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I pressed on Josh's number and put my phone up to my ear. It rang once, twice, three times. In the end I got the voicemail.
I looked at the girls after pressing the end button. "He's busy you guys."
"Well if we can't see Josh because he's busy studying with his friends," Jasmine started. "Possible with Sophie." Avery added. I crossed my arms. I don't think I like where this is going. "Then maybe Dylan can give us a tour of the campus."
"No way. You guys just want to settle my nerves over nothing." I say putting my phone back in my pocket.
"Well it is nothing." Avery commented. "We just want to see the school you'll be going to in a few months." Jasmine said.
I bit my lip. "It's harmless." Avery said.
This is ridiculous. "Fine, but we are just going for twenty minutes."
The girls high-fived while I began walking. This is going to be a bad idea...
"So, she's okay with you two being friends?" Charlotte said turning a page in her textbook. Josh was sitting next to Sophie who sat in front of Andrew who was next to Charlotte.
"Yeah she's cool with it." Josh said taking his phone off silent.
"I wish I could get a girl like that." Andrew said.
"Like what?" Charlotte asked marking her page.
"A girl who isn't afraid that her boyfriend has friends that are girls." Andrew leaned back in his seat.
"That's not what we are afraid of." Sophie said before taking a bite of her protein bar. "We're afraid the gal pals will become the girl you leave us for."
"And guys don't feel that way?" Andrew said rolling his eyes.
"Oh trust me we do." Josh scoffed. "My girlfriend and her best friend use to be involved."
"Like how involved?" Charlotte asked.
Josh sighed. "Maya said that when she was with Lucas he said she wasn't his first. He admitted that Dylan was the first person was ever with."
Sophie scrunched her face while Andrew looked away. Charlotte spoke up. "Is she a virgin?"
Sophie and Andrew busted out laughing while Josh's face turned pink with embarrassment. Charlotte's did too. "Sorry, dumb question."
Josh shook his head and he was back to his normal skin tone. He bit his lip. "Maya isn't, because she was with Lucas. But, he said he wasn't."
The group fell quiet.
Josh took a deep breath. "We told each other 'I love you' on her birthday and we slept in the same bed."
Sophie placed her hand on his shoulder. "And I'm sure she meant it. The most romantic kind of love is just being able to be with each other without being with each other." She said.
"She's right." Andrew said. Josh smiled and noticed a concerned look on Charlotte's face. He followed her gaze. They were outside in the courtyard so it could be anything that caught her eye. But it wasn't just anything.
"Josh, isn't that Dylan over there talking to Daniel ?"
Yes, yes it was. And she seemed very pissed off.

Boy meets Girl
FanfictionDylan meets Josh remake. Felt it should have been more descriptive. And I gave it a better plot line. Aka I wrote the first one like 4 years ago. New romances and friendships! Created: Oct 2019 Ended: Jan 2022 Sequel: Darling & Dearest