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"For the last time your not needy." Josh said laying on his back.

We're in my room after school. It's Christmas break and we'll be leaving soon to spend time with my Aunt Catalina back in Texas.

Josh tossed a fluffy pillow at my head. I smile and sit down on the edge of the bed. "I'm serious."

"Look," he started. "I don't think you're needy in a bad way like you think. I just think you want balance and to get that you want to be sure what you're getting yourself into."

I nod. I suppose I look for balance..? I usually know what I want. Now that he's explained it.. maybe I am needy.. just like Lucas said. Or maybe, he's the needy one.

"But Pathetic? No. Nothing about you is pathetic."

Next Day: Afternoon

We leave for Texas tomorrow. I've finished packing my bag full of flannels, leggings, and overalls. I honestly can't wait to be back in my comfy southern clothes!

There was a knock on my bedroom door as I zipped up the bag. "Come in."

Roddi opened the door and leaned against the doorway. "Angela wants to know if you're done."

Roddi and I haven't been speaking very much. Ever since I threatened to tell Valerie that Phoebe was hanging around he's been distant. Valerie and I just want what's best for him. I've know Val and Phoebe for some time now and I know which can be trusted and which can't. Obviously my brother is delusional.

"Yeah, all set." I mumbled. Roddi made his way to my bed and picked up my bag. "Wait!" I called out. He huffed as I ran over to my dresser and placed my brush into the bag. When I went to pull my hand away, he dropped the bag and grabbed my wrist. Oh no..

Yesterday: 10:15pm Tasha's Tattoo Parlor

Josh places his hand on my thigh as I tapped my leg nervously. Why did I let him drag me in here?

"Since you think you're not as strong as I think you are, a tattoo should be a constant reminder." He said after I picked what I wanted.

I tried to control my breathing. "Relax.." Josh sighed. "It's my first tattoo too."

I shook my head. "Don't you need permission from a parent first?" I asked.

He nods. "I mean I'm old enough.. and who said your dad didn't give you permission?" Josh smirked. I didn't have my dad's permission.. but Josh has great handwriting and I have a good backup plan.

When Josh's tattoo was done he showed me the words in deep black ink. Oh, bite me. It said  under his collar bone. I laughed.

Josh smiles. Whenever he joked around he'd always complain by saying Bite Me. It suits him perfectly. "Your turn."

I squeezed my eyes shut the entire time. I thought I knew what I wanted but I changed my mind last minute. Josh said it was fine and that he would chose for me.

When I was done I was too afraid to look.

We walked back to my house and I was still hesitant about seeing this permanent mark. "Trust me, it's nothing bad. I'm actually quite proud of it." Josh said kissing my forehead.

"Get some rest."

Before bed, I finally decided to peek at my wrist. Never Alone🤞.

I woke up this morning and started packing and I guess I completely forgot about the tattooed wrist. Until now.


"Roddi, let go that hurts!" I shouted and he loosened his grip long enough for me to pull my arm away.

"Does Angela and Dad know?" He shouted. I shook my head.

He rolled his eyes and picked up my bag once again. "And what do you think they'll say once they find out?" He asked.

I felt the tears of pain from the now forming bruise on my wrist. The pain of my brother betraying our bond, our trust.

"If you love me, you won't say anything." I spat out as he left the room.

"If you loved me you would have picked my side!" He shouted from down the hall.

I'm in trouble.

At Dinner

Diner was miserable. Mom didn't make much a fuss about the tattoo. Ricky got onto Roddi about the mark he left. He apologized and went down the hall to his room.

I felt bad. Sure the bruise hurts, but the fact that Roddi and I haven't been on reasonable terms upsets me.

I excused myself and went down the hall to his room. I knocked on the door softly.

"Go away Dylan." He said with a calm tone. I could hear him talking to someone. Who? Is it Phoebe? He's got to be kidding me.

I knocked on the door again but this time louder and harder. The door swung open with Roddi standing in the doorway arms crossed.

"Is that Dylan? Hi Dilly!"

It was Maybelline. Our friend from home. I'm surprised they are speaking. But there she was waving from his laptop screen.

"Did you need something?" He asked. I shook my head. As he was closing the door I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder.

He stopped and glared at me. "Are you okay? Are we good?" I mumbled. His glared turned to the familiar older brother smile I was use to seeing.

"Sure sis. We're good. Now get some sleep. It's going to be a long car ride tomorrow."

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