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The next morning we started packing up my things for the four hours back to New York. Ricky had rented a car to take us to Texas and back to New York, but Dad offered to drive Josh and I back with him and Maya.

When the cars were packed I hugged Aunt Cat and was ready to tell her goodbye when she stopped me. "You've got a good one," She started then she placed a hand over her heart and sighed. "Don't let him go."

I had no idea what she meant but I guess it had to do with me seeing the name Sophie on Josh's phone last night. Yesterday I told Josh I love him and I don't just tell anyone that. And he told me he loves me too. So it's obvious whoever Sophie is, she is no threat to our relationship. But, that doesn't mean I don't want to know who she is.

Dad and Maya sat in the front of the car while Josh and I sat in the back. I sat behind Maya and Josh was behind Dad. I decided a good hour into the ride would be the best time to ask him about her.

"Josh, honey bear." I said tapping his shoulder. He had one headphone in and was looking out the window. He took his headphones out and sat them in his lap. "Yes Honey Bunny?"

Maya was looking at me in the mirror on her side. She was smiling.

"Before I fell asleep last night I saw that someone was calling you. Um Sophie I think." I tried to not seem jealous or angry because I wasn't but of course it came out that way.

"Sophie. Oh, Sophie. Yeah she's a friend from college."

Josh has only ever mentioned two friends of his from campus. Charlotte and Andrew. Haven't heard a Sophie. "I met her back when I was still in high school. There's nothing to worry about." Josh says taking my hand into his. I smiled.

"I'm sorry. Did you say you met Sophie when you were still in high school?" Maya asked shifting herself in her seat. Dad told her to be careful but watched us in the mirror.

Josh nodded. "Back when you had a crush on me. I met Charlotte and Andrew at that time too."

Maya was quiet for a moment and then said, "I know Charlotte and Andrew. They're really nice. But.. isn't the girl Dylan is talking about the one I saw you get rejected by on my 'first date' with Farkle?"

I look over at Josh and he's blushing. He let go of my hand and ran his hands through his hair sighing before saying, "Well yes."

I tilted my head. "Sophie is a girl who turned you down?"

Josh looked at me. "Yes, but my first year on campus she was studying with Charlotte and we became friends. Andrew told me she had turned me down because she's a book worm, but ever since then I haven't thought of her in that way."

I nod. "Okay."

"We are just friends."

"I believe you."


Another hour pasted before someone spoke up. "You can meet her if you want to." Josh held out his phone and showed me a picture of Sophie. She's pretty. Brown hair and brown eyes.

I gave him a look showing I didn't like that idea before turning my attention to the window. "I should have mentioned she's dating a guy named Jason."

"No sh*t Matthews." Maya mumbled with her head against her window.

Dad laughed at Maya's comment but I still didn't look away from the window. "I have both Avery and Jasmine's boyfriends in my phone." I mumbled.

Josh tapped my shoulder. "And I trust you."

I looked over at him. "Of course you do, I was never interested in Karl or Logan."

"You two are acting childish." Dad said. "Josh next time lead with the fact that you two are just friends, then mention she is also in a relationship. If Dylan were to ask if you had feelings for this girl you explain that you USE to."

Josh seemed flustered and I just looked back at Dad in the mirror.

"As for you Dylan, don't try to make Josh jealous. I'm sure he feels bad enough for making you feel uncomfortable."

I sighed. "Okay." I mumbled.

And that was it.

When we got to my apartment I quickly hopped out the car and grabbed my bags from the trunk. Josh hopped out to help me. Dad and Maya stayed in the car probably to give us space.

"Dylan, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Josh said grabbing my stuff for me. "You didn't. The comment Maya made that you failed to mention did."

"What can I do?" He asked.

I didn't want him to do anything. Sure he use to like Sophie. It was a crush. Everyone has a crush. And he literally said they are just friends. And I believe that.

I lean in and kiss his cheek. "It's okay. I'm not going to ask you to stop seeing your friends."

Josh smiled and sat my bags down. I looked over to see Dad getting out and Maya moving into the driver's seat. I was so distracted I didn't see Josh grab me by my waist. I gasped and he threw me over his shoulder.


He spun around twice and sat me back down on the side walk. "You really are amazing you know that right."

I held my head and laughed. What I did know for sure was I was car sick. Josh helped me carry my things upstairs and helped me unpack. By the time my parents got home I was already in bed. Josh had went home about ten minutes before.

Roddi stopped by my room before bed. "How was the ride, did you find out who Sophie is?"

I nodded. "College buddy. She has a boyfriend." I said as I watched my TV.

Roddi nodded. "Keep me posted."

I watched him leave the room before I stretched and turned off my TV. Josh said he needed to get back to his apartment because he had class in the morning. I think about all the events of these past few days.

"Maybe Jasmine and Avery will tell me I'm imagining things." Because when Roddi left my room a couple seconds earlier he seemed to know more then he was letting on.

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