Josh meets Dylan

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When Josh and I walked into the apartment, it was silent. Oddly silent. I dropped my phone down on the couch and called out to my mom that I was home.

"Oh good, you're home." Roddi said walking into the living room. He crossed his arms as a dark haired female stood at his side. Phoebe.

I crossed my arms and smiled. "Hi Phoebe, how are you?"

They ignored my question. "What's Josh doing here?" My brother asked nodding towards the door where Josh remained.

"I met his family so he now gets to meet mine." I said walking over and taking his hand. "Come say hi Roddi."

"I've already met him."

"I don't care, get over here."


"Stop being a dick."

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

"Damnit you two what's going on in here?" Ricky said linked arms with Mom in the doorway that leads to the kitchen.

Roddi sighed. I glared at him. It was obvious Ricky had been in the kitchen next door but Mom had been asleep in their bedroom down the hall.

I take a breath before saying, "Ricky, this is Josh."

My Step Dad looked him up and down. "I'm Ricardo. Dylan's Step Dad."  Josh let go of my hand and made his way across the room to shake Ricky's hand. Ricky patted his back as Mom introduced herself after a yawn.

"I'm Angela, Dylan's Mom." She said panting the top of Josh's head. "You look just like your brothers."

Josh smiles and you could see the heat rising to his cheeks. "Thank you Mrs. Alvarez."

My Mom nods and she looks past Josh to Roddi and Phoebe.

"Hello Phoebe, when did you get here?" She asked as she placed a hand under her stomach. Mom has been doing that a lot lately.

Phoebe shrugs. "About an hour ago. Roddi wanted to talk to me."

I raise my eyebrows. "Does Val know that?" I asked. Ah Valerie. The sweet waitress from Topanga's  who happened to be Phoebe's best friend.

"Why is it Val's concern?" She snapped. "Because I don't want you around my brother." I snapped back.

Sure, he loves Phoebe. But Val warned me what she was like. I use to think she'd never hurt my brother. But when Roddi had taken me home that night Maya and her family was at The Lilac, he said he and Phoebe weren't speaking anymore. She slept with someone else.

Phoebe crosses her arms. "Go home." I mumbled. She quietly walked to the door and slammed it on the way out. "I only want what best for you-"

Roddi walked past me and down the hall to the bedrooms. The silence was followed by the slam of his bedroom door.

"What a drama queen." Ricky said wrapping his arm around Mom's waist.

"It was nice seeing you again Joshua." Mom said before her and Ricky disappeared down the hall.

I stood by the couch a good few feet from Josh. He walked over and sat down next to me. I sat down and listened to the silence in the house.

I took a deep breath as Josh grabbed my hand. "So, that's my family."

"They seem lovely." He responded. I felt a bit shaken. I just had one of the best first dates of my life, and my brother is pissed at me for being protective.

I felt Josh wipe away the tear that rolled down my cheek. The same way Lucas use to. I look over at him.

"Shit happens Dylan. And there isn't much we can do about it. And, we shouldn't spend a lot of time thinking about it." Josh said frowning.

Is your cowboy still coming home to you?
Life isn't fair Dylan.
We shouldn't spend a lot of time thinking about it.

You know what. No. He's not. And yes, life isn't fair. Why should it be? You'll never grow if you have everything handed to you. Nobody should spend time on anybody else who isn't doing the same for you. So stop doing it. They won't listen. Make them learn for themselves.

I smiled. "You're right." I said wrapping him into a hug. "I shouldn't worry about anyone else right now."

"Hey," Josh pulled away and lifted my chin up. "You'll get through it."

I nod. Before I knew it Josh placed a soft kiss against my lips. And I really liked it.

When Josh left he said he'd check in with me in the morning. I wasn't upset anymore. I didn't think of Roddi as I walked down the hall into my room. I didn't think of Lucas and how he was probably with Missy right now. Instead, I thought of what my future would be like with Josh Matthews in my life. And I'm my opinion, it's going to be pretty great.

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