We're cool

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I could barely hear the sound of the front door shutting over the sound of my heart racing. Lucas had left the room without me noticing to answer the door. So far I didn't hear any yelling. Mom looked towards the living room and I took that as my cue to see what's going on. 

My body froze when Josh and I made eye contact. He and Lucas were sitting on the couch. Both looked completely unfazed sitting next to one another. Lucas didn't even have to look over his shoulder to know I was there. "Took you long enough. I was tired of all the babysitting talk but somebody likes to take their sweet time.." He trailed off. I could see a smile form on Josh's face. 

"Well, Mom and I were talking, I didn't even hear the door.." I said rubbing my arm out of embarrassment. I expected the two to have some kind of tension, but the room felt still.

"I need to talk to the two of you anyway." Josh said leaning back on the couch.

"Both of us?" Lucas asked. "Why?"

I was going to ask the same thing but I kept my mouth shut. I walked over to the couch and sat between the two. Lucas scooted away from me to make room however I don't think that was his only reason for doing so. 

Josh took a deep breath before he spoke. "You two have been friends for a long time, yes?"

I nodded. "Since we were kids." Lucas answered. My back was to him so I couldn't really see his expression since we were both focusing on what Josh had to say.

"Well, I've been thinking a lot about that." Josh said. Lucas and I stayed quiet. Josh looked down at the floor. "I have decided that I don't really care if you guys hang out together anymore. In a group or alone." 

I was a bit in confused about the point Josh was trying to get along and before I could ask, Lucas beat me to it. 

"What exactly are you trying to say Matthews?" 

Josh looked back up at us and smiled. "Charlotte and Sophie are my friends. Just like Zay and Lucas are your friends Dylan. Yes, I did have a crush on Sophie ages ago and.." He paused for a moment. "You and Lucas have had that little thing.." 

I sighed and I could hear Lucas scratching the back of his head. "Sophie and I are great friends now. I know the two of you are also really good friends. The situations may be similar, but what I'm trying to say is I trust the two of you. If you guys want to hang out I get it. I wanted to get this point across because I'm marrying you Dylan. Why should I make a big deal if you and Lucas fell asleep together. You didn't kiss him. I'm still your fiance." Josh looked past me and over at Lucas.

"I know we don't get along. And we may only be able to from time to time. But, I just want to say I'm glad Dylan has a friend like you that can be there for her when no one else is around." Lucas held out his hand past me. Josh took it and shook it.

"Friends?" I asked looking at the both of them.

"We're cool." Lucas said. Joshed nodded in agreement. "We're cool."

Lucas' P.O.V

"I shook his hand." 

Riley and Maya looked up from Riley's laptop. I was sitting in the bay window just looking out into the street. Charlie and Farkle were sitting against the bedframe watching some Sci-Fi show but I could feel their eyes on me as well.

"You and Uncle Josh? That's great Lucas." Riley said in her usual happy voice. I just nodded in response. I honestly don't even know why I'm here. I don't want to talk to anybody right now, but here I am sitting with my friends in a quiet room. 

I sighed and opened one of the windows. "I think I'm going to just go home." 

"You sure? Maya and I can walk you if you want." Farkle said. I heard him get up and Maya shifting her weight on the bed. "No, it's okay." I protested. Before they could say anything else I climbed out the window and shut it behind me.

I needed to clear my head. The walk home may be short but I rather be alone by myself than to sit in a room full of my friends and feel like I shouldn't be there. So many things have changed in this short amount of time. 

I was with Maya and then I wasn't. I admitted I was in love with Dylan. She admitted to loving someone else. I tried to be with other people. I stopped in my tracks and reached into my pocket to grab my phone. I quickly dialed and sat down on the sidewalk. 


"Hey, Smackle. How are you?" 

"Lucas, what's wrong?" I didn't know what she meant. "Are you crying?" I reached my hand up to my face and I was indeed crying. 

"You have to speak to me for a conversation to work Friar." She said. I know she meant it in a supportive way but I couldn't form words.

"Did something happen?" 

I took a long deep breath. I could feel my lips quivering. "I.. I-I don't think I'm g-going to NYU." I choked out. 

"Why not?" She asked. A taxi sped by followed by a few other cars. "Lucas, where are you?" I shrugged but remembered she couldn't see that. "I'm not too far from Riley's. I-I needed a walk." 

"Well, why don't you think you are going to NYU?" She asked softly. I bite my bottom lip. More and more tears soaked my cheeks. "I.. just c-can't." I cleared my throat and inhaled deeply. "I also got accepted to the University of Texas in Austin. I'll just go there."

There was silence on the other end of the phone. We sat in silence like that for about five minutes.

"Who all have you told about the other school?" She finally asked. "Just you." I mumbled. "I was going to t-tell Dylan last night, b-but... we fell asleep."

There was more silence. Followed by some shuffling. "I just looked up the school. It's not a bad opportunity. Are you absolutely sure that's what you want to do?" Smackle asked. 

I looked over my shoulder as a middle age couple walked by. Hand in hand. "Yeah.. I'm sure." I sang. "Did.. did something happen between you and Dylan to make you not want to go there?"

I immediately wiped my face. "What? No." I looked out into the street then down at the road. "We're cool."

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