"Hi Riley, hey Maya." I looks around the table. The two male adults which I assumed was their dads looked up from their menus.
I smiled and extended my hand to them. "I'm Dylan Moore-Alvarez. The heiress to The Lilac." Maya rolls her eyes as one of the guys shook my hand. "Shawn Hunter, Maya's dad."
"Cory Matthews, Riley's dad."After shaking their hands I turn my attention back to the girls. "So, what brings you guys here." I notice from the corner of my eye that Lucas was smiling at me. Josh was on his phone not engaging in conversation.
"It's my dad's birthday. He's 39 today." Riley says beaming. Her dad smiles and brushes off the birthday embarrassment. "That's so sweet." I say smiling back.
"Has your waiter or waitress taken your order yet?" I ask walking around and table. Josh is still on his phone so I flick him in the back of the head. He looks up from his phone as I hold in a giggle. Maya is looking through her menu but everyone else is watching me. Probably thinking I'm a weirdo.. except Lucas
"What the hell?" Josh asked as he looked over his shoulder. "Oh, hi Dylan." He says then turns back around picking up a menu. "You know her?" Maya asked not looking up from her's. "Yeah, how do you two know each other?" Lucas asked scratching behind his neck.
I shrug. "He just showed me around NYU today." Maya puts her menu down and begins having a conversation with her dad. Riley does the same as Lucas pulls on my jeggings pocket towards him. Backroom , he whispers. I nod and walk towards the back and pretend I'm looking for a notepad.
About a minute later Lucas gets up and makes his way towards the bathrooms. It's a few feet away from the main office so I have time to slip in before he does so nobody gets suspicious.
He closes the door behind him and puts his finger to his lips. Hush hush I guess. He sighs then smiles which my body thinks it's funny to respond with butterflies in my stomach. I smile back. "You went to NYU?" He asked with a toothy grin. I nodded and he scooped me into a big hug.
It's been a while since we were this close. I almost never got to see him because of his New York friends. I've really missed him.
"I got accepted early." Lucas whispers causing me to squeeze him. If he'd let go he'd see me blush. "That's wonderful Cowboy."
We pull apart and he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "I guess you were right about the college thing, huh." I say looking down digging my foot into the floor.
He's quiet for a moment. Thinking of that time we were twelve but it felt like we were older. Feeling tension in the air I walk over to Ricky's desk and sit on top of it. I push the name plat Ricky Alvarez out of the way.
Lucas sighs from across the room. "It was the first time I called you Giggles." He smiles and crosses his arms. "When you think of me, it's only happiness, right?" He asked. Only happy tears. Like when I come to visit. Like a scene on a movie. When my cowboy comes home.
Home. To me. That's no longer possible thanks to one Maya Hart. I have almost nothing against her except she has two things I want the most. At first I wasn't sure until today. But she does.
I don't notice but Lucas has made his way over to me and is now leaning close to me; A hand on each side of me. He looks down at me as I look up at him.
"Is your cowboy still coming home to you?"
9:16pm After Dinner
I find Mom laying down in her bedroom watching old reruns of cartoons from when she was a kid. I could tell the morning sickness was hitting her hard. When I walked in her room with my hands behind my back she turns the volume down and sits up. "What is it Dylan?"
I hold my breath. Behind my back is my baby album. Inside were pictures of me meeting the Matthews family after I was born. Each section had me growing up until the age I was one. Including the day I officially met Shawn Hunter.
Mom blinks and begins to get out of bed before I exhale. I reveal the book from behind me while biting my lower lip. "I see you've found your baby book. I swear you look just like your father when you were born." My mom says shaking her head. It just slips out.
"My dad. Right. I wasn't sure.." I start and Mom stands up and brushes down her nightgown. "I wasn't sure if I was right about him until today." Mom gets a serious look on her face which quickly turns to a smile.
"What are you talking about Dylan?" She says with a chuckle. I drop the book down in front of me and she jumps slightly.
"I met him today. Of course I've met him before." I nudge the book with my toe. Mom's breathing seems to get heavier. I worry for a second before saying,
"He's Shawn Hunter. Isn't he mother?"

Boy meets Girl
FanfictionDylan meets Josh remake. Felt it should have been more descriptive. And I gave it a better plot line. Aka I wrote the first one like 4 years ago. New romances and friendships! Created: Oct 2019 Ended: Jan 2022 Sequel: Darling & Dearest