Mister & Sister

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A couple days have past since my chat with Lucas. Aunt Cat is the only one who knows about it. I just don't want Mom to stress and Roddi would flip a switch. So we agreed not to tell anyone else. Whatever Lucas' does is his business.

I was heading downstairs after watching the sunrise, I couldn't sleep so what's the point? By the smells of it.. Aunt Cat made muffins.

I could hear my mother laughing and chatting with what it sounded like old neighbors. I hardly ever hear her laugh like that anymore.

I made my way into the kitchen to grab a muffin when a voice caught me off guard.

"Wow look at you."

I turn my head to the person sitting across from Mom. It was Shawn.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

"I mean of course you've grown.. it's been almost eighteen years since you were a baby.. and I saw you with Josh but.."

I turned to my Mom to ask what Shawn was doing out of New York and she smiled. "You Father wanted to have a word with you," She paused to take a bit of the muffin.

"Your sister does too."Aunt Cat said as she opened the oven to put the chicken in for dinner later tonight.

My father. My sister?

Shawn stood up and reached his hand out. "Maya is waiting outside."

We started walking down the road and the tension was unbearable. Finally Shawn began to speak.

"I always thought you were mine.." He started. "But I never wanted to assume."

I sighed. "It would have been better than eighteen years of guessing. All the things I missed out on.."

In kindergarten: Father-Daughter Dance
First Grade: Family Picnic
Second Grade: First Bike Ride
Fifth Grade: First School Fight
Sixth Grade: New sibling
Seventh Grade: First Crush/ Heart Break

Shawn nodded.

"I know how you feel." Maya mumbled. We stopped walking to rest our legs.

"My dad left when I was five. I missed out on a lot of things too. And I don't think I could ever forgive him for that."

Those butterflies were back. The ones that knew something bad would happen. The nervous ones. Flying together in my stomach.

"But then Shawn came along and.. and I knew I'd be alright." Maya said. She reached out and touched my shoulder.

"Hopefully I'm not too late?" Shawn said taking a seat in the grass.

I shrugged and sat down next to him. Maya laid on her back and looked up at the sky.

"I've always wanted a sister," Maya mumbled. "I just thought the closest I would get would be Riley."

Before thinking I blurted out, "Yeah, but the closest I've ever gotten was Roddi!"

We busted out laughing.

A few minutes later Shawn stood up.

Maya nodded at him and stood up as well. She reached her hand out to me.

"Come on."

I took her hand and asked, "Where are we going?"

She nodded towards Shawn and said, "Dad gave us some money. It's almost your birthday right?"

I smiled at her and we began to walk down the road.

I yelled over my shoulder "Thanks Dad!" And Shawn waved at us. He watched us until we could no longer see him.

Right now, it felt like everything is as it should be. All the shit that happened days ago have been replaced with a new sister and a greatly missed father. I know I'm lucky to have so many who care for me.. but it just feels like something or.. someone is missing right now.

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