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I've been laying on this couch for the past two hours. I've just been looking up at the ceiling. I imagined being outside in the park with Josh. Laying on the ground on a blanket just watching.

"Hey Bunny,"

I sat up and looked over the shoulder.

"So I have some news. My parents are coming by."

I crossed my arms as Josh sat in the love seat diagonal from me.

"Shouldn't they be at home?" I asked.

He sighs and nodded. "Something is wrong with the house. A pipe busted. Since we have a guest room I said they could stay here."

"Why didn't I know about them coming sooner?"

"I didn't think you would mind." He said getting up from the chair.

"I don't mind, but I've only met your parents once. This will be like the first dinner with the parents for me." I watched Josh walk around behind the couch.

"There's nothing to worry about. Eric has achieved more than they thought he would, and Corey gave them grandchildren. I think we're safe." Josh said leaning down to kiss my forehead.

I was a bit shocked. I don't think I had met Eric and if I had I would judge him for his accomplishments. And grandchildren? Yeah I think Auggie and Riley is enough for them.

"So, they should be here in about... two hours." Josh said sitting in the edge of the couch.

I took a deep breath. Okay. "Two hours?" I said looking up at him.

He nodded. "What do you wanna do?"

I laughed. He knew better than to ask me that question. "I don't know about you, but I want to cuddle up to my boyfriend in our bed while I wear one of his cozy t-shirts."

Josh tapped his lips as if he was thinking about it. I got up on my knees and kissed him. He broke away and smiled. "Okay, but if I get to the room first, you don't get the t-shirt. Instead you have to wear that laced nightgown I bought you for our late Valentine's Day."

I raised my eyebrows and hopped off the couch. I wanted that T-shirt.

"Come on bunny, I think you look sexy." Josh said while he laid on the bed. I rolled my eyes and he winked.

If he didn't grab me by the waist and kiss me before I made it to the room I so would have one this negotiation. Instead I'm wearing a white nightgown with lace on the neck and ends. It's not uncomfortable but I would have preferred the shirt.

I stood at the edge of the bed and refused to sit down. "Bunny." Josh climbed over and was hugging my waist.

I moved his hands away. "F*ck off." I said as I laid in my spot on the bed.

"Someone's in a mood." He mumbled. "It's not the one you wanted? Sorry." I shot back.

"If you didn't want to wear the nightgown you should have made it here quicker."

"I would have if you didn't stop me."

"What ever do you mean?"

I looked at him and sat up. "When you grabbed my waist and kissed me to get what you wanted."

He smirked. Damn it.

"You mean when I went like this..?" He reached out and grabbed my waist. He pulled me closer and leaned in to kiss me. But he didn't. He just looked at me. Our lips were close enough if I wanted to I could kiss him. But instead I could feel my cheeks burning up.

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