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"You told him you were going to see your brother?" Lucas asked.

I leaned back in the cold chair. "What else was I suppose to do?"

"Tell  him the truth so you didn't have to walk here."

"No! We both called her." Farkle said putting him cheek down on the silver table.  "I don't want anyone else to know we're here."

I looked at the both of them. Lucas and Farkle looked back. I almost felt sorry enough not to chew them out. Almost.

"Who the hell have you two a car?" I said with a glare.

"It's Farkle's dad's car. I went to meet up with him without knowing the state he was in." Lucas said patting Farkle on the back. "Don't do that.." He mumbled.

Farkle looked pretty recked. As if he hadn't slept in weeks.

"I didn't tell Lucas I'd been drinking. I thought I was sober enough to drive so I offered Lucas a beer mixed with Coke. He didn't say no, and well.."

I shook my head. "What am I suppose to do with the two of you?"

"You could have told Josh, I'm sure he wouldn't have minded helping." Lucas said biting his cheek. He looked down at his feet.

"Actually, I don't think he wants anything to do with you Lucas."

He looked up but Farkle was the one who spoke. "I don't want anything to do with him."

I traced a circle on the table.

"He f*cked my girlfriend."

"She wasn't your girlfriend. You guys were getting to know each other. Besides so have I."

"That's not the point Lucas."

"Enough you two. Farkle I understand why you're upset.." I sigh. "Have you heard from Maya?"


"Hold up, why does Josh have a problem with me?" Lucas asked. He shifted in his chair.

"Your protectiveness is out of control. We are not dating, we aren't having sex. We're. Friends. I tried to brush it off but it's obvious it's effecting Josh negatively."  I pull my hair back as if I was going to tie it up but I decided against it and let it drop against my back.

Lucas stayed quiet.

"Farkle, does your dad know you're here?" I asked.

"He must. I was driving his car." He responded.

I sit there and think for a moment. "I can't just leave you guys." I didn't want to do this. Dad's going to have a cow.

"How stupid are the two of you!" Shawn yelled as he drove. I was in the back in between Lucas and Farkle. Farkle's dad was riding in the front. He said he'd send someone to pick up the car later and he wanted to have a talk with Farkle at home. The tension was rough.

"I shouldn't have to bail you out Lucas. If you don't do dumb sh*t these kind of things wouldn't happen."

I heard Lucas mumble under his breath. I patted his shoulder and mouthed sorry. How else was I going to get them out of there?

"I agree with Shawn. That goes for you too Farkle. These kind of reckless decisions need to stop."

"I know.. I'm sorry Dad."

"I know you're going through something.. but son, just talk to me or your mother. Okay?"

Farkle nodded and the rest of the ride to his house was silent.

When the Minkus' left I chose to stay in the back with Lucas. Dad was dropping him off too.

"Does your mother know about this Lydia?" Dad asked. Shit, he said my middle name.

"No, and neither does Josh. I was planning on seeing mom but I got a call from Farkle.."

Dad nodded and focused on driving. I looked over at Lucas. He was staring out the window. He looked tired.

When we got to Lucas' I told Dad I needed to talk with Lucas privately.

We stood at the door to his apartment. He leaned against the wall and I sat down on the ground. The door was between us.

"What makes me think you knew Farkle was wasted?"

He slide down the wall and sat down. "Because I did."

I took a deep breath and sighed. "What am I suppose to say to that?" I say looking at the door across the hall.

It was quiet. I could hear our breathing.

"You should have just left me there." Was his response.

I looked over at him. He was looking at me. "I thought about it.."

He nods.

"But, I knew that if I did, your parents wouldn't know where to find you." I admitted.

He pulled his knees up to his chest. I crisscrossed my legs. We both looked back at the door.

"Besides.. if something were to happen to you.. something unimaginable.. that would kill me."

There was another moment of silence. Almost complete silence, you could hear the noice of the streets.

"I'm sorry..." Lucas said. "I don't want you worrying about me."

"I can't just not worry. You're my best friend. I only imagine the worst."

I look back but he's still watching the door. "I still care."

He looks down at his feet. "I know." He mumbled.

Suddenly the door opened. Lucas's mom stepped out. "There you are. Where the hell have you been?"

We both stood up. "Oh hello Dylan." Mrs. Friar said. She wrapped me in a hug and mumbled something about how she was worried when Lucas didn't come home last night.

"Mom, I'll tell you later, just let me tell Dylan bye." Lucas said. His mom smiled and walked back inside.

We faced each other.

"Well, if you don't see me for a while it's because she killed me."

"So, you're going to tell her?" I said looking down.

"Of course. She's my mom."

He stepped forward and wrapped me in a hug. I squeezed him then slapped the back of his head. He cursed and pulled away.

"Don't ever be that dumb again." I say crossing my arms.

He laughed. "Yes ma'am."

He opened the door to go inside. "Hey, Lucas."

He looked over his shoulder.

"I love you."

He smiled. "I love you too."

When I got back in the car, Dad gave me a frown. "So here's the deal. I called your mom and told her you were coming. I said I picked you up from your place and traffic was bad that's why it took so long."

I smiled. "Thanks Dad."

"You'll tell Joshua the truth right?" He asked facing me.

"I will.." I said looking down at the floorboard. "How's Maya?"

Dad sighs and before he puts the car in drive he said, "She wants to talk to you."

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