"It's a wonderful message on his part Dilly!" Aunt Catalina said while examining my wrist. I faked a smile and shot a glare at Roddi for mentioning it. He shot back a smirk and took the suitcases upstairs.
"Thank you Aunt Cat." I said as she let you of my wrist.
The message is still pretty new to me and I'm not sure how I feel about showing it to others yet.
"She is so grown up." Aunt Cat said to my parents. "And look at you Angela!"
I was able to escape the baby talk that my aunt and mom are obsessed with. Upstairs are three rooms. There's two bedrooms and a guest room. Whenever we visit Roddi usually takes the sleeper sofa. He says he prefers to be downstairs.
I opened the door to one of the bedrooms and peeked inside. It hasn't changed, not really. I steps inside and quietly closed the door. I didn't want Roddi to know I was upstairs as well.
The wallpaper was still the same one I use to look at before falling asleep every night. The bed had a blue pillowcase and black comforters. A pink piglet stuffed animal laid on top of the pillow. The blinds were closed and the closet door was closed.
I walked over and opened it. It was dark so I pulled there light switch and the emptiness made my stomach drop.
This was my bedroom. My closet use to be full of stuffed toys, clothes and my favorite pair of cowgirl shoes. That's all gone now. The only thing that would be in this closet now is the clothes from my suitcase.
"You good?"
I jumped a little. Roddi was standing in the doorway with my suitcase. I nodded and walked over to the bed and sitting on it. "I'll leave you to settle in."
I sighed and opened the suitcase. Thre first thing I pulled out my black Santa Christmas hat. I put it on my head and Roddi peaked into the room. "One more thing,"
"Aunt Cat says she wants us to go ride horses with her and the Friars. Should be interesting ." He smirked. "Nice hat."
I shrugged. " 'Tis the Season."
Riding horses with the Friars won't be so bad since Lucas wasn't coming until tomorrow. That will truly be an interesting experience.

Boy meets Girl
FanfictionDylan meets Josh remake. Felt it should have been more descriptive. And I gave it a better plot line. Aka I wrote the first one like 4 years ago. New romances and friendships! Created: Oct 2019 Ended: Jan 2022 Sequel: Darling & Dearest