"Awe am I aggravating you?" Daniel teased while playing with a strand of my hair. "Get f*cked." I scoffed back.
"Oh but it's so public here Lydia, are you sure you want to have me here and now?" He smirked and wrapped his arm around me while pointing out all the people in the courtyard.
"Don't call me that!"
"Why not, Lydia?"
Jasmine watched in amusement. Daniel is Roddi and Tyler's friend. She and Avery knew Daniel worked at a coffee shop on campus. And while they found him to be an ass, they enjoyed the show we put on every time.
"Just stop touching me." I took his hand from around me.
"That's the first you've ever complained about that." Daniel frowned.
"She has a boyfriend." Avery said shooting me a smile.
"I don't see him." Daniel said sitting down on a bench in front of us. He leaned back with his arms up on the headrest.
"He goes here you dick." Jasmine shot back.
He smirked. "Easy Jas-mean."
Jas-mean. Avie. And Lydia. While the other two are nicknames for the girls that Daniel has geniuses come up with, he like to call me by my middle name. And I hate it.
Jasmine walked away for a moment because I knew if she didn't, she'd hit him.
"Have you seen a guy named Josh Matthews around?" Avery asked.
I took a seat down next to Daniel. He pretended to think.
"Is that Lydia's new toy?"
"No, it's my babysitter, my mother forgot to pay him. What do you think?" She smacked his knee and he pretended like it actually hurt.
She sat down on the arm of the bench with her arms crossed. This is getting us nowhere.
"Sorry, don't know a Josh." Daniel said looking at me. "Did you get a new lipstick that doesn't look like the one you usually wear?"
God, stop avoiding my question! I know you know him! Roddi talks about him to all his friends in case...
I place my head on his shoulder. "Please Danny? You know I don't like it when you make things difficult."
"You are difficult Lydia."
"Look, I know I'm Roddi's little sister and I shouldn't be 'spying' on my boyfriend because my friends subtly suggested it but-"
"Spying really?"
"Just stop being so hard on me!" I groan. "He's not Lucas."
Daniel wraps his arm around me again. "I thought you liked it when I'm hard on you."
I smack his leg and he chuckles.
It's quiet for a moment and I can feel Daniel playing with my hair with his free hand.
"Josh is sitting over there with Andrew."
I sit up and he moves his arm. And I see him. And he sees me. And I see her. With her hand on his shoulder.
Daniel places a hand on my shoulder. "Don't seem so surprised. He didn't even notice you until my arm went around you."
I stood up and so did Avery. Josh had looked away and was saying something to Charlotte when we started to walk over. Daniel and Jasmine followed slightly behind.
This is going to be a long conversation, and it's going to start with why Daniel is such an asshat.

Boy meets Girl
FanfictionDylan meets Josh remake. Felt it should have been more descriptive. And I gave it a better plot line. Aka I wrote the first one like 4 years ago. New romances and friendships! Created: Oct 2019 Ended: Jan 2022 Sequel: Darling & Dearest