Lucas' P.O.V
Being the guy best friend isn't all that bad. You get invited to sleepovers and you get to give guy advice to your gal pals. Yet, it can get pretty lonely when they are all in their own little relationships.Except for Smackle. However as time goes on, even around her I feel alone.
"Lucas." Smackle said snapping her fingers. I shook my head and snapped back into reality. We are sitting in the Lilac and were helping Dylan set up a dinner for her parents. The place has been closed for a few months due to the virus so she decided it would be okay for her parents to come for the night so they could have a break from the baby.
"So who's going to take care of Roberto?" Asked Daniel. He was standing on the counter trying to fix one of the lights that had gone out.
Dylan shrugged while looking over the menu. "Either Me or Roddi, I guess." She said. "Josh is good with children but he's going to a family dinner that was planned a month ago, so I didn't want to spring this on him."
I nodded. That was understandable. Her fiancé already had plans so she didn't even bother to ask him for help tonight. I hope she'll be okay.
"Have you heard from Maya if she wanted to come play board games tonight while babysitting?" Dylan asked. "I mean if I'm going to be in the house with a baby it's nice to have some back up."
I smirk. "I thought you said either you or Roddi would babysit, therefore you wouldn't be alone."
Daniel through a lemon peel at me from behind the counter. "Roddi can't be in two places at once. Either she or Roddi will be serving their parents tonight."
"Probably Roddi." We all said.
"Well I know Farkle isn't coming due to his Therapy appointment so, Maya was my next option." Dylan said before doing a little spin in her bar stool.
"What about Riley?" Smackle asked.
"Date night with Charlie." I answered. They all raised their eyebrows at me. "What? She tells me things.." I said looking down at the table.
"Well Tyler offered to help Roddi, so I guess I'm tagging along." Daniel said sitting down ontop the counter. Dylan slapped his leg and scolded him for putting his butt there which only made him laugh.
"I wish I could but I have some studying to do. Since school has gone back I've been falling a little behind." Smackle said tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
Dylan nodded then sighed. "Guess that leaves you and me Cowboy." She said leaning over the counter not facing me. With the expression on Daniel's face I can only assume she's checking the register.
I cross my arms. "What makes you think I'm free for tonight?"
She looks over her shoulder and glares at me. "Oh I don't know. You're just happen to be sitting around in a closed bar with three other people who all have plans and not once did you mention you had any."
Daniel snickers and Smackle gives me a smile. I guess I didn't expect that response.
"Alright. I'm not found anything tonight. What time should I be there?" I asked.
She sat back down in the stool and spun around to face me. "Roberto goes to sleep around nine thirty so be there around eight thirty. Mom and Ricky are leaving at seven."
"So why wouldn't I come around seven?" I asked resting my head on the table. I peaked up to watch her response.
She shrugged. "Figured you didn't want to help out that much so it would give you time to eat with your family before coming over."
I waved my hand in the air and brushed away her comment.
"I'll be there at seven thirty. On the dot. There's no changing my mind." I said laying my head back down.
"Alright, if you insist." And that's all she said before we parted ways to go execute our plans for the night.

Boy meets Girl
FanfictionDylan meets Josh remake. Felt it should have been more descriptive. And I gave it a better plot line. Aka I wrote the first one like 4 years ago. New romances and friendships! Created: Oct 2019 Ended: Jan 2022 Sequel: Darling & Dearest