4| Cheer up

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     "Let's get a little bit rowdy:

     My face is sore from fake-smiling during the entire practice of the cheer squad.

   Yeah, I'm fake smiling, sue me.

    I love cheer, but listening to the same one ten times isn't exactly riveting, at this point.

    But, even after ten times, smiling is the least I can do since I'm the only one in the audience.

    Meghan, the brunette from before, stands at the head of the formation on the gym floor. Her cat-like eyes narrow at me and my spot in the bleachers.

   Now that their cheer is over, I clap a few times to show support. Several of the girls smile at me. But most don't notice.

    Will any of them soon become a friend? It seems like an impossibility, at the very least. I still can't even believe I'm here in the first place!

    "Water break! Five minutes!" Meghan calls loudly to her cheerleaders on the ground. Before I can blink, her long legs scale the bleacher steps.

    She stops in front of me, not even breathing hard. "Mind if I sit?"

    "Oh- not at all." I slide my book bag out of her way, allowing her to relax next to me. Her lashes flutter down at the girls on the gym floor.

    "This is a great vantage point."

    I nod at her observation. I didn't hike up all these rows for my own health! This is the best seat in the house.

    "So, Caroline," she blinks her false lashes in my direction, "what do you think about all of this?"

    Her question is quite clear:

    Yes or no?

    Are you gonna join?

   I wring my palms in my lap.     

   Well, what do I think?

    Am I interested? Yes.
   Am I scared to commit to something based on a bad past experience? Also yes.

    "I think you know the answer already," Meghan shrugs, "you've just got to be woman enough to say it out loud."

    I narrow my eyes. She's right.

    "I guess," my voice is nothing more than a rush of breath, "I guess I can see myself as a part of the squad."

     Meghan nods like she's not surprised.

    It's hard to imagine taking up pompoms again. But why can't I love something in my four months here?

    Meghan is offering me a great chance.

    There's only one thing off:

   Why me?

    "Can I be blunt?," I turn to face her. She raises a brow.

   "You seem like the type that usually is."

    "Okay," I ignore her comment, "Why do you see me as a part of the squad? You don't know what I can do yet, but you're already giving me a chance. It seems sketch, like why do you even want me?"

    Her mouth twitches, "Don't sell yourself short."

   "I have a point," I scowl.

   "Caroline, it doesn't take as much talent to do this as you think. What it takes is dedication. A voice. Team work." She looks at me, "and who has more reasons to need this than a new girl?"

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