52| Belt buckles

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A/N: Warning! This chapter contains mature content. Please proceed at your own discretion.


After prom, there's no going home and going to bed. Everyone seems to know that, and everyone else seems to have the same idea.

    From our carpool with Anson and Indie, we pull up to our restaurant of choice in awe. The parking lot is covered with cars. We spot several classmates going inside.

   "There's got to be at least an hour wait!" Anson exclaims.

    My stomach growls, and Bryce looks at me.

    "Maybe we should order a pizza?" He suggests to Anson and Indie. To my surprise, they agree.

    "We can go back to my place." Bryce says as Anson pulls away from the restaurant. After moment, we are arriving at Bryce's. We go inside, for some reason Indie uses the landline instead of her cellphone, and she calls in an order.

     Bryce and I are hanging out on the couch. Anson and Indie talk in the kitchen. She comes out to the living room, still holding the home phone.

    "Fifteen minutes." She says. "Anson and I are gonna go pick it up."

    "Oh, okay." Bryce stands, "do I need to pay you?" He pulls out his wallet, but Anson puts up a hand.

   "We've got it covered."

    Indie tosses him the land line and follows Anson over to the door. "We should be back soon."

    "Great." Bryce nods.

    I watch our friends depart, before turning to Bryce. "I brought a change of clothes. I'm going to get out of this dress."

   "Okay." His chocolate brown eyes blink up at me.

    When I get upstairs to Bryce's bedroom, I realize that the dress I'm wearing is a pain in the butt to take off. I'm reaching, when Bryce enters the room, holding his tux jacket in one hand.

    He tosses it on a chair by his door.

"Know what the best part of prom dresses are?" I smirk from the other side of the room.

"Sparkles?" He looks at me like he knows his answer is wrong.

"Finally taking them off." I say it like the answer was completely obvious, before asking, "Want to help me?"

I nod my head for Bryce to close the door and approach me. I sweep my blonde hair to the front of one shoulder so that Bryce can find the buttons at the back of my dress.

"What the heck are you playing at?" He whispers below his breath.

    What? Me?

I roll my eyes to myself until I finally feel his large hands on the fabric of my dress. I wait to feel his touch as he fumbles with the different clasps.

I guess he's met his match with clothes he couldn't undo. I try not to laugh.

He growls in frustration.

"Here," I now make no effort to cover my giggles. I reach back and guide his hands in the motion of the clasp.

He undoes one with my help. "Ohh," I hear him exhale.

Three more are immediately disconnected. He pulls the fabric to reveal my back.

"There you go."

"Thank you," I slip out of the dress and walk over to my change of clothes in the corner. Bryce watches me, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. He undoes the tie around his neck while he stands.

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