7| Midnight uber

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     My brother's body propels across space, like a whizzing bullet. So fast, I almost miss it.

    I'm hyper-aware as I watch Ace dodge a blow from an older boy, but he can't escape the second hit. Blood splatters in slow-motion. Crimson red droplets, suspended in the air.

   "Stop!" I don't think about throwing myself into the mix, I just do. My brother and I protect one another. That's how it's always been.

   Adrenaline pulses in my veins. I'm ready to block whatever comes next, or that's what I think, until thick arms launch towards me. Behind me, Ace yells weakly.

   "Caroline, watch out!"

   The crowd around looks-on in horror as I feel pressure building on my shoulders. Energy and fear make my vision go spotty. Ace yelps out.

    What's happening ?!

    I'm aware of the sensation of pain in my arms. I take in the eyes of the bully, centimeters from my face. My heart drops when I see his enraged stare go blank.


    He releases me, at once. I notice the music has stopped as I stumble backwards. I catch myself, seeing a flash of metal glint under the lights. At my feet, the attacker falls.

     I twist my head, following the silver glint. Bryce stands, holding his cane like it's a weapon.

    Did he just-?

   "Are you okay?" He gasps, lungs empty. He extends a forearm, in case I stumble. Seeing the fright in his eyes shakes me to the core, but I can't answer. Instead, I turn on a heel and fall towards Ace. My hands cup his head. His eyelids flutter closed in response to his pain. My finger wipes the blood from his face.

     His nose isn't broken. That relieves me, a little.

   "Ace!" I whisper. Behind me, Bryce addresses the other boy.

"Where the hell do you get off, acting like that here?" His voice is gravels that he throws at Ace's opponent.

"Get out." He commands.

   "Everyone, get out! Now. This party is over.

    Several outraged cries ring out, but Bryce makes himself clear,  "Anyone who decides to stay can visit the cops. Someone take this piece of shit with them." He motions to the boy responsible for fighting Ace. A few guys run forward and drag out their friend.

Meanwhile, I clutch Ace's hand. My legs press against the floor as I kneel next to my brother. Bryce turns, narrowing his expression at me. I blink up at him, communicating my worry.

    "He passed out, didn't he?"

"Yeah, Caroline. I think he did."

    At the stairs, Meghan stands, taking in the scene below from the banister. "You sent everyone home?" She calls over to where we are.

    Bryce turns and nods. "There was an incident." He growls, pointing at Ace.

She frowns. I can tell she doesn't plan to stay and deal with the consequences of throwing a party.  "Hi, Caroline," she acknowledges me.

I should blame her for this.

    "I trust you to clean this up, and let yourself out. I'm going to bed." She tells Bryce. With that, she ascends her staircase.

     Now it's just the three of us.

    Ace groans at my side. My chest hurts. If only he left with me when I wanted...

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