15| Inviting Seth

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     The cafeteria is bustling with students today. They hold mint-green trays piled with food as they weave through tables to sit with friends. A *pop* sounds when a fellow cheerleader opens her bag of Doritos beside of me.

     I'm mostly quiet as I eat my lunch. I'm with the cheer team, sitting across from Meghan. She wears a bright red turtleneck today. I make sure to compliment her; she looks nice in it.

    I, on the other hand, am wearing an assortment of clothes I grabbed at Anson's house. I feel like a bit of a mess, in Indie's spare outfit, but no one has said anything. Yet.

    "You're just the sweetest, Caroline." Meghan blows a kiss my way, and then whispers something dramatic to us about a basketball player's girlfriend walking by. 

     I'm tapping my fingers against the tabletop, when she finally speaks up with something important.

    "Girls, I have exciting news. The cheer team is having a party at Mandi's house this weekend. It's going to be insane."

     Mandi squeals excitedly. Her almond eyes are bright. I frown.

    "It's exclusive to cheerleaders only. No stoners or jocks!" Mandi shrugs narrow shoulders.

    Meghan chimes in, "yeah, unless that's who you bring as your plus one."

    "Plus one?" I ask, regretting my curiosity when I hear snickers under some girls' breath. I rest my balled fists in my lap.

     "Yeah." Meghan tosses her ponytail behind her head. "Every girl can invite a date. Unless she doesn't want to, of course."

   Oh, well that settles it.

     Mandi giggles. "It's more fun with a date."

     Meghan nods, looking at me. "For instance, I'll be taking Bryce with me."

    At mention of him, my stomach churns. I touch my palm, remembering his fingertips. For a moment, I see Bryce's brown eyes, instead of Meghan's.

     I don't think I want to go to this party alone.

     "Caroline, you don't know anyone to ask, do you?" Mandi questions pointedly from the side.

     I open my mouth, but I hear more snickers from the group. Heat engulfs my face when Meghan puts up a hand to silence the girls.

    "Caroline will have a date. I'll see to that myself, if she wants one." Her eyes are on me. "Just say the word."

   I can find a date myself, thanks!

    "No." I fake a smile. "I've got people I can ask."

    "Well you only need one."

     Mandi coughs, "one that isn't your brother."

   At that, anger laps at my chest. If I wanted, I could retort. But, I'll do one better.

    I've been proving myself since I got here. I can prove myself by finding a date to a party, too!

     "I've got someone else on my mind." I lie to Mandi. She shuts up, at that.

     "Well I can't wait to meet him."

     "You're gonna have to." Without a glance to Meghan, I stand. "I'll actually go find him and see if he's free right now."

    Another lie.

   I grip my lunch tray and take it up to the conveyor belt. I ignore the stares on my back as I go. The lunch lady nods at me. I give her a half-smile, internally scolding myself for lying.

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