10| Unexpected meeting

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As Bryce and I look up at Meghan from our table at the food-court Chick-fil-A, I try to think to myself about what could possibly be my excuse for being here.

I don't actually have an excuse. I realize in a split-second. I've just been here, enjoying his company.

Shit- Bryce is actually good company!

I shudder as Meghan bats her lashes confusedly at the pair of us.

    Now, how to react to seeing her in public, especially for the first time since her dreadful party?

"Hey Meghan," I say. The unsteady sound of my words causes my face to redden.

I know I've done nothing wrong. I've literally done nothing wrong. I chant inside my head, trying to gather up the courage to say something that won't embarrass myself.

    Bryce watches our exchange die through clenched teeth before speaking up. "Hey," is all he manages, before Meghan cuts him off.

    "You two, are you eating here, together?" Her face twists as she makes sense of the scene before her. A hot flush covers my skin.

    This looks weird, to anyone. Especially to Bryce's... hookup.

   And my cheer captain. I remind myself. It's only been a few days since it happened, since I became a cheerleader.

Just because I forgot that doesn't mean she's forgotten me. The last thing I need is to get between her relationship with Bryce, whatever that is . I quickly grasp the wrapper to my sandwich and ball it up with a hand.

Too bad there's no graceful way to bail, I realize as the paper crinkling in my palm causes me to go temporarily deaf. Or maybe it's just my nerves.

    "We came with Anson and Indie, but they ran off." I explain, "but it's late and I really should go." My gaze avoids Bryce's. I instead look at Meghan.

   "You take my place." I say, "you two have a better time together, anyways, I'm sure."

I say a silent prayer that she'll accept my offer, and forget the harm. A smug, lipstick smile spreads on Meghan's face.

Thank god. She's pleased by my idea. At the table, Bryce slowly stands. "Wait, Caroline, you don't have to go."

Don't you dare screw this up,

My eyes flash to meet his. "I know that. But I want to go. Meghan can keep you company."

When it looks as if he plans to argue, I add, " just thank me," with a serious whisper.

     I expect to hear overflowing gratitude, but instead he's silent. He clenches his jaw, and I get the feeling he's unhappy with my spontaneous arrangement.

    Ignoring that, I glance at my phone. "See, it's already past eight. I've really got to get back." 

    "You're just the sweetest, Caroline." Meghan squeezes me into a hug. "Be safe." She plops down into my chair, eyeing Bryce happily.

     Something discomforting settles in the pit of my stomach, but I push it away. Bryce can finish his story to me later. I tell myself. Who am I to be on a double date with a guy, when the girl he should be with strolls through the door? 

     "How will you get home?" Bryce calls as I start to go.

     Something takes flight in my chest to hear him concerned for me.

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