48| It's 3am

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A/N: warning! This chapter contains mature content. Please proceed with caution.

     I'm sitting on Bryce's lap, his hands grip my hips as he bounces me up-and-down. My head rolls back and I let out pent-up breath.


"cccccckkkkk" he finishes my sentence somewhere below.

I glance down. I notice his forehead is outlined in sweat. His bed is a disheveled mess of blankets. Our clothes are scattered across the floor, my nails marks are scattered across his back.

Oh my god he's so hot.

He thrusts upwards once or twice more before finishing with a groan and pulling out.

I climb off of him after a moment with exhaustion. I glance back at the clock on his nightstand, noticing that it's nearly 3 am.

Bryce throws another condom in his trashcan and lays on his back beside of me. We blink up at the ceiling.

I'm not sure I know how to talk to him, now.

"I'm dead." He groans, turning his head to look at me.

"You look so beautiful." His gaze softens when he sees me. I whisper a thank you.

He squeezes my hand.

"Are you happy?"

"Of course I am." My voice is honest in the darkness.

"Are you?" I ask.

"Happier than I've ever been, I think."

I smile. I wish we could go on forever. I feel so close to Bryce. I feel like touching him will never be enough. I'll always want to be closer.

"Tonight was my first time." I whisper. Bryce's voice is soft.

"Was it anything like you hoped?"

I think. "It was different. But a good different."

He brushes my hair back with a hand.

"You can tell me if anything sucked. My ego is not too fragile to take some constructive criticism."

I giggle. "You were perfect, Bryce."

Totally. Completely. Utterly.


"You don't think we did this too soon?" His voice is low.

I don't think we did.

"Are you worried?" I ask curiously. I scoot closer to him.

"No," he sighs, "but I know how long it's taken you to trust me in the first place. And- I know some people feel regrets after they have post-nut clarity."

I stifle a laugh. Someone's been on tiktok.

"I have zero regrets." I assure him.

He gives me a suspicious look, so I nudge him with a bare arm. "What's that look?"

"Just- I'm amazed. I never really thought you'd let me sleep with you."

I make a face. "Why not?"

He shrugs. "You've really become so confident since we first met. I'm proud of you."

"Wait, let me get this straight," I put a hand on his chest, "you're proud of me for having sex with you?!" I tease.

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