44| Fight or Fright

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     My eyes are wide as I recognize Ace in the middle of the teens that are unexplainably here at this empty parking lot. I'm still shivering from what went down with Bryce, and now I'm watching in curiosity as my brother stands with arms crossed, several boys flanking him.

     "What's he doing?" I whisper.

      Bryce's brows are furrowed. "I'm not sure."

     We wait for another moment. Another car enters the parking lot.

     It pulls up, opposite Ace's ride. Several boys jump out and slam the doors. I look back at my brother, and he now seems more hostile. The boy to his left spits on the ground.

    "Caroline—" Bryce's voice seems unnerved.

    I glance at him. He seems to know something I don't. I turn back to see Ace, and I watch in horror as he advances on one boy from the other group.

    Oh my gosh. Are they—?

    "Fighting." Bryce growls.

    I watch as both groups yell in support as Ace squares up against another boy. Ace throws the first punch, the other boy dodges, and swipes low, hitting Ace in the stomach.

    Ace crumples, before swinging up to meet the boy's jaw.

I make an audible sound of shock. Through the windows, I see the boys keep hitting, swinging, and lashing out.

Stop! I feel sick to my stomach.

Ace falls and hits the ground.

     "No!" I squeal in fear.

    The other boy hits him while he's down.

    This isn't fair! Ace can't get back up!

    Ace flails, trying to get in another hit.

    The other boy has the advantage. I watch in horror as Ace's friends start to step back.

    Is that it?

    But the boy won't stop hitting.

   Ace's friends retreat.

What the hell! Why are they running?!

They get back in the car, and it drives away. Ace is alone. I can't watch any more.

    Without a word, I open up my door. Before I can make a dash for it, Bryce grabs the hem of my shirt and yanks me back into the vehicle.

    "What the hell do you think you're going to do?" He makes himself clear. I look back at my brother.

    "They're going to kill him!" I reach for the door handle. Bryce grips my bicep.

    "Caroline you can't go out there."

    "I have to stop them!" I wriggle in his grip. His dark eyes are serious.

     "You don't even know who those people are."

    "Exactly! I-"

   "Stay put. I'll call the police." He offers.

"No!" I plead. "That will just make things worse."

"We can't just break this up ourselves." He releases my arm to pull out his phone. As soon as he does, I dart out of the vehicle, and across the parking lot.

    "Caroline!" Bryce yells behind me in fear.

     I ignore him as I make it to the group.

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