51| My King

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    One of these nights

One of these crazy old nights

The metal gymnasium doors swing open to darkness, punctuated by bursts of lights.

Dresses and tuxes fill my line of vision. Prom has started.

The full moon is calling, the fever is high
And the wicked wind whispers and moans

Bryce's hand reaches back to find mine. His fingertips are warm. I grip them tightly as he pulls me through swells of dancing students.

I only have my eyes on him.

Ooh, someone to be kind to
In between the dark and the light

Bryce turns to me with a warm smile. I still manage to find his eyes in the darkness.

"You ready to out-dance me?" He asks.

coming right behind you

Swear I'm gonna find you one of these nights.

I think for a moment.

"I know you've got a few moves of your own."

I've been searching for the daughter of the devil himself

I've been searching for an angel in white.

Without waiting any longer, Bryce smirks, and pulls me close. His fingertips are on my back. He presses against my pink ruffles.

I've been waiting for a woman who's a little of both.

We rock to the music. The retro beat gives me a chance to be light on my feet.

And I can feel her but she's nowhere in sight.

I could stay like this forever. And the night has only just begun.

One of these nights

In between the dark and the light

"You look so handsome tonight." I look up to him, still swaying to the beat.

Coming right behind you

Swear I'm gonna find you

"I know." He twirls me.

Get you baby one of these nights


Our feet are sore from dancing when we make it to the punch. Bryce fills a cup for me and then for himself.

It's sweet and tangy and cool. I savor it while Bryce gulps his down in one go.

Behind us, Anson and Indie appear.

"Hey guys!" Indie fills a cup and passes it to Anson. His long fingers drum against the side as he watches her fill a cup for herself. He doesn't drink until she does.

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