42| A kiss

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Bryce's hands press against my exposed back. I feel his fingertips extending around to where my zipper is open at the back of my dress. He looks up at me, my bedroom nightlight puts shadows on his face. In this lighting, he looks far more reserved than I know him to truly be.

    His fingertips brush my skin, causing it to tingle in a thousand places. I shiver against him. He seems aware of how his touch is moving me.

We perch on the edge of my mattress. Bryce only has to touch me a moment longer, before my lips connect to his.

I let my kisses start out delicate. I feel his lashes flutter against my cheek, and I inhale all of the smells that make him up— his shampoo, shaving cream, cologne.

My mouth is soft, my kisses seem fragile. I let them be, because they are unique to me like my fingerprints. And Bryce, Bryce will turn my soft kisses rough.

In a smooth movement, I feel fingertips gone from my back, to my neck.

He angles my head with his hand, letting tongue slip inside of my mouth. I feel my golden hair falling from its 'do because of his carelessness. In this moment, nothing is important to him, except for my mouth. Our kiss is suddenly like none we've had before.

I let out a gasp as his tongue explores my mouth. Every vein in my body is throbbing. I can't help but to push against his chest. Little fireworks are exploding from my throat to my toes. His starchy dress-shirt has long-since been crumpled by the fistfuls in my hands.

My eyes physically can't open as I feel his teeth graze my bottom lip. It's crazy and my head is pounding, but the way we press together doesn't feel close enough. Bryce groans somewhere low in his throat and lets his arms fully circle my body. Still not close enough.

Touch. Touch. Touch.

I halfway wish I was naked—I've never wanted anyone like this.

It terrifies me and engulfs me, how much I want this. It's like how his arms engulf me, and how his kisses engulf me, and how his tongue surrounds my tongue.

He holds me in place for a final second. My lungs are burning and my heart is exploding when he finally does pull away from my lips. I still can't help but make a sound of disappointment that our moment has to end.

     I feel his chest rising and falling with each breath against me. I'm squinting until my eyes can take being fully opened again. When they've fully fluttered open, I see that his eyes are honey in this angle of dim light.

His hands are cupping my face.

"You drive me insane with a kiss like that." The sentence barely leaves his mouth before his lips are on mine again, so greedy.

He pulls away from my face. My stomach is flipping over and over itself. Then, he pulls me back and kisses me once more.

    "At dinner," his voice is raspy as he pulls away from my lips, "the way Seth was talking about you-"

     My gosh, he's so attractive right now. I can't bear to listen to him talk about something so normal as dinner. His messy hair is sticking out from his head like shards of dark chocolate. He starts to speak again.

     That's it. I pull his chin towards me and demand that he kiss me again before continuing. He groans when I suck on his bottom lip.

    "Caroline," he begs. He's out of breath, "have mercy."

     I can't think straight. My eyes are burning. I nod, trying my best to extinguish my spiking desire. "Sorry," I croak.

I focus on Bryce, avoiding his lips as best I can.

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