25| Broken promise

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I hear the roar of the crowd, first. School colors filling the stands, cheers coming from the visitor-side cheerleaders, the pep band flashing their golden instruments beneath the gymnasium lights, it's awe-inspiring.

I can only imagine how the basketball team feels!

My pulse is heavy in my chest as I follow a line of bows out onto the court. I hear the commentator's voices booming from the loudspeakers. Meghan's brown ponytail flutters in the front of our line.

She turns and gives the group of us a thumbs-up.

We start off simply- doing a few of our basic cheers during the game. When one player from the other team is up to shoot a free throw, we do our famous "miss-it-miss-it!" chant.

The adrenaline floods my veins. When I look into the audience, I see my mom. My heart flutters in appreciation that she came to support me.

When it's halftime, our practice is ready to pay off. My hands are jittery by my sides as I walk onto the court. I feel my knees wobble when we step out in everyone's view. I have a perfect line of sight to the home bleachers.

I take a deep breath.


The music starts, and muscle memory takes over. My pom poms shimmer in front of me. My knees are no longer coursing with pent-up adrenaline. I'm expelling my energy, smiling, and doing my best.

Cheers erupt from the audience when the routine is over. Laughter bubbles from my lips. I can't believe it's already done! Pride fills my chest.

  I feel Mandi's hand on my back, gently pushing me off the court with the rest of the girls. For a moment, I spot Bryce in the audience, but I use my remaining energy to tear away from his stare.

"Great job, girls!" Meghan congratulates us on the routine, when we're off the court, "keep up the energy for the rest of the game! No breathers until the after party!"

The after party. Through the excitement I almost forgot. I roll my eyes. Let's just take it one thing at a time.


After I hug my mom goodbye, I spot Seth in the crowd, heading for the doors.

"Hey!" I call to him. In one hand, I hold my pompoms. But with the other, I wave.

"Caroline!" He beams, "you rocked it tonight!"

"Really?" I blush, "you think?"

"Best out of everyone." He nods, "are you headed home? Or are you going to the party?"

"It's at one of the basketball player's houses," I scratch my head, walking out into the gym lobby. "I'll probably go to be social, only stay for an hour. You?"

He sweeps his long hair back. "Save me a dance. Cha-cha slide, preferably." He winks.

I laugh, what a weirdo. "Sure thing."

"See you in a few."

I watch him go, before finding my squad and catching a ride over to the party. I'm yawning, but I know my second round of energy will kick in when I arrive.

Music booms from the house as us girls get to the door. It's dark inside, but lights flash from every corner. Loud laughter and chatter breaks in my eardrums.

     I spot Seth already inside. He's bobbing his head to the music, so I approach slowly- not wanting to interrupt. "Hey!" He says when I stop beside of him.

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