author's ending note

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Welcome my lovelies, to the last a/n about His Gold!

*actually that's kind of a lie, keep reading and I'll explain*

For me, His Gold began as a project I started in like August of 2019, one that I shelved until about December of the same year. (This is similar to my story about how I wrote His Blue, which is a bit ironic). Anyways, I kept coming back to His Gold, thinking some story needed to be told for Bryce. So I chose to push through, and write it.

Aren't you glad I did?

so... I finished writing His Gold this December in 2020. It's crazy to think that I wrote an entire book in about 1 year, taking breaks from writing on and off during that period.

The amount of time and energy I put into this story makes it feel like a lifetime of writing. And like I said in my author's ending note to His Blue, every day I have at least one deep thought to myself about the journey that the story, dialogue, or characters should take.

Now as you all know, His Blue will ALWAYS reign supreme in my heart. It was so incredibly hard for me to let that story go. But writing His Gold has been special to me, because it has forced me to move on from Anson and Indie, and explore Bryce and Caroline— two totally different characters and personalities. I know if you read His Blue, the book this story is spun-off of, it probably has your heart, too. I'm not expecting anyone to like this story more than the OG.

But I also hope that His Gold has been an enjoyable book. I hope it has captured your hearts, too. Ending any book is bittersweet. It's nice to find a resolution that feels complete for Bryce and Caroline. But, Bryce was my favorite character to write in His Blue, and I'm really going to miss having this opportunity to explore him here in His Gold.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, saying goodbye to Bryce is going to be hard, too, even though I didn't expect it.

    Now because this is the end of Bryce and Caroline's chapter, I'm gonna do the cliché author things to end an a/n...


My readers, who have stuck through the months and months of weekly updates, you're the real MVPs. There were times when you probably were frustrated with my writing, or my update schedule. Thanks for sticking through.

My fellow wattpad authors, who have offered advice, asked for advice, and complimented my work when I felt like giving up.

To a certain person, who doesn't know me well, but who initially inspired me to write Bryce's storyline the way I did.

please answer these questions if you have the time. I use your feedback to edit my writing and to improve on this platform!

What did you think about the book ending? Anything you wish was different?

Did you like that I included some kind of an epilogue, unlike when I wrote His Blue?

What has been your favorite part/scene of this story?

Would you read my future books?

Is there any possibility you would read ANOTHER spin-off, of one of these characters?

(If so... please stay tuned for announcements.)

Thanks for the comments, votes, and reads. I'm sure it got annoying to read that phrase every chapter, but they truly do mean a lot to me!

I do have another book in the works. Look for an announcement to be posted within the next few weeks about what to expect from me in 2021.

Once again, thank you for everything! And Happy New Year, as I'm writing this 12/31/20.

With love,


His Gold ✓Where stories live. Discover now