12| The hookup

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"One- two - three - four - out - in- up again!" Meghan's voice is loud as she counts out for the team at the front of our dance formation. I can see her dark brown ponytail fluttering with each movement. I try my best to keep her pace.

I put my arm out, away from my body, and the other one in towards it. Then I put both limbs in the air- giving my pom-poms a shake. My heartbeat is heavy in my chest. We keep moving.

If I've learned anything the past week in cheer practice, it's that you give 100% energy, no matter what you've already done. Every movement has to be just as intense and deliberate as the others.

I lunge to the side, shaking my pom-poms in an arc motion above my head. The other cheerleaders huff beneath their breaths, counting.

We face a long stretch of empty gym bleachers. I imagine that they're full. Soon, I'll be doing this at a game. I've got to wrap my mind around that.

Before long, the song we're dancing to is over. I feel it in my shoulders and biceps. Ahead of everyone, Meghan's shoulders relax.

She turns to the group. "Better!" She smiles. "That dance will be perfect by the next game."

I hope it will be perfect. I frown.

"You've all earned your break. 10 minutes." The girls around start to scatter at Meghan's words.

As I make my way over to my practice bag and water bottle, Meghan stops me. "Caroline," she flashes a smile.

"Hey," I bite my lip as she observes me through her thick lashes. I've not spoken to her one-on-one in several days. It feels strange to talk to her, now.

"Do you have a sec?" She raises a perfect brow. "I have something I want to talk about you really quick."

I glance back at my water bottle. It's tantalizingly close. With a huff, I lie. "Sure. What do you need?"

"Well, I wanted to thank you for the other night."

The other night?

"I don't follow..." I start to shake my head. What could Meghan possibly have to gain from talking about that?

"You know!" She nudges my arm playfully. I instinctively clutch the spot. I notice my palms are sweaty.

"Oh- yeah?" I shift uncomfortably.

Meghan just beams, "Of course! I have to admit I was surprised to see you two together,"

She's talking about me and Bryce. I realize.

"but I know I've got nothing to worry about after what you did for me. Thank you."

I try to close my parched mouth after it accidentally drops open. With my tongue pressed to my cheek, I shrug. "I really didn't think anything of it."

Nothing to worry about? What makes her say that?

I've definitely considered whether or not what I did was necessary.

At that thought, I recall what Bryce said in the library. I still don't know if I should hear his story.

Don't think of that, now. We'll get to that when it happens.

Meghan laughs ahead of me. "You know, not many girls would have my back like you did. I won't forget that, Caroline."

I force a smile. "Great. Anytime."

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