13| Study buddies

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Mama take this badge from me,
I can't use it anymore.

It's getting dark too dark to see.

Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.

"Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door!" Indie's voice is raised as she sings loudly in the small space of her Camaro. She looks at me with a smile, so I timidly chime in.

" Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door!"

One hand still on the steering wheel, she pumps a fist into the air. I laugh to myself as she keeps singing along- very loudly.

It would be a lie to say I expected her to listen to Guns 'N Roses.

I'm glad she does, though.

As the song ends, she reaches a hand over to the controls and turns off the volume. I glance out the car windows, but we're not at Anson's house yet.

"Enough singing." She sighs in the space next to me, "Let's talk."

"I'd love to," I throw her a joking chuckle.  My back straightens against the passenger seat. Indie focuses on the road, but I can see she's thinking about what to say.

"Are you nervous?" Her question is simple. "About this study-sesh thing?"

Nervous? I shift a little bit. Do I make it obvious?

"To be honest, I am a little." I admit. I wish I wasn't, but I'm not yet comfortable around just everyone. I mean, I don't know Anson. And I'm scared to know more of Bryce.

"I figured." Indie purses her lips. "You're giving off that vibe."

"Really?" I look down at myself, as if I could see what she's talking about.

She nods. "You know, I don't blame you for being anxious. Hell, I still am- and Anson is my boyfriend."

I giggle.

"But just know that you're so welcome to do this with us anytime. We really aren't going to judge you. I know I certainly am glad that you're doing this, today."

"Really?" Something feels warm in my chest. I realize I don't get told too often that I'm wanted.

I don't know whether to be sad or embarrassed about that.

Indie continues, "it'll be really chill when we get there. Anson and I will be at the couch probably, you and Bryce can take the kitchen bar, or vice-versa."

I make a mental note to go to the kitchen bar.

"And if you need any help managing Bryce," Indie laughs to herself, "Anson or I can help with that."

I feel a smile tugging at my lips. "Thanks." My voice is earnest. My eyes are bright.

"No, thank you. It's about time Bryce had a partner equally-matched to him."

"I didn't have anything to do with who got paired to who."

"Maybe not, but I'm still grateful. If you don't mind me saying, I think you're good for Bryce."

I drop my smile. "What?"

Good for him? What does that mean?

"I just mean that you challenge him. You never let him get a step ahead. That's good."

I find myself leaning against the restraint of my seatbelt to hear more of Indie's words.

"He's been so trapped in his own world here lately- and now he meets someone that can challenge that. I think it's healthy," Indie glances over at me. I try to relax, and not look like I'm leaning all up in her face.

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