29| Crosswalk creep

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The restaurant is bustling with customers when our car makes it to the parking lot. I hadn't thought about the actual eating part of tonight- I've just been focused on talking to Bryce.

My stomach rumbles when I finally think about food.

"Okay," Bryce turns off the engine and unbuckles from his seat. "Ready?" He looks at me.


We walk up to the front doors together. The hostess asks for our names. To my surprise, Bryce pipes up.

"I have a reservation for Brown." He informs.

He made reservations?

"Party of two?"

Bryce nods, and the hostess leads us to our booth. It's in a quiet part of the restaurant. I sink into my side; Bryce sinks into his.

"Your server will be with you in a moment."

I look at Bryce as soon as we're alone. "You made reservations?" I can't help but sound surprised.

     I guess Indie was right. He does see this as a date.

He shrugs, "it's always crowded here at dinner time."

"When did you-"

"I have a study hall. Coach K doesn't care what I do, so I called then and reserved us a spot. Aren't you glad I did?"

"Yes." I admit. Points for thoughtfulness, if I'm keeping up with that.

"Good," he smirks, picking up his menu. "So... What will you order here?"

I bite my lip. Honestly?

This is Greek to me... literally.

"What are you getting?" I ask him first.

"Probably Moussaka." I see his eyes from over the top of his menu.

"Oh, that sounds good." I nod, before glancing back at my choices. I guess I want something with pasta...

"I think I'm gonna get the Pastitsio." I say.

Before Bryce can speak up, our server appears at the head of our table. "Hi, can I start you two off with something to drink? Or an appetizer?"

"I'll have water," I say. Bryce agrees.

"We're ready to order, too."

When he finally disappears, I look at Bryce. This is it. I can't handle the elephant in the room any longer. I probably look like an overexcited but nervous kid to Bryce.

    Screw it.

"Bryce, let's talk about what happened."

He grits his teeth, but I notice he doesn't argue. Thankfully.

I continue, "if you're mad about what happened-"

"I'm not mad, okay?" He sighs, throwing off the little speech I had planned. I hesitate.

"I had hoped we could at least get through our salads without talking about this yet," he frowns.

     "I just can't wait," My throat tightens in desperation. Bryce sighs.

     "Fine. Then try and see it from my perspective."

His perspective? I raise a brow.

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