40| Mom's idea

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I'm walking like a feather blowing in the wind- covering an invisible zig-zag line all the way up to my front door. I'm humming a song. My head is buzzing, but not from my stitches.

Everything seems back on track.

No- it seems better than before.

Bryce and Meghan never happened.

I'm in a daze as I float up to my house. I plan to walk across the threshold as a new person. I turn the handle and let myself in.


My mom calls to me from across the room as soon as I'm inside. Excited to see her, I run over to give her a hug. My cheeks are still rosy from my excitement.

She chuckles, careful to avoid my stitches. I pull back from her arms after a moment. She tilts her head.

"Do I want to know why you left the house?"

I rolls my eyes playfully. "Probably not."

"Then what about who you were with? Let me guess," she smiles, "Seth?"

Nope. I bite my lip just thinking about Bryce.

"Actually," I admit, knowing I can't withhold the truth from her, "it was Bryce."

Her eyes widen at the information. "Oh?" She looks surprised, because I've only been spending time with Seth the past few days. That's all going to change after today.

"Well I guess after saving you that night, Bryce is a bit of a hero." She shrugs. I watch her as she takes a few paces across the living room floor.

I notice Ace, who has been sitting on the couch this whole time. He watches our conversation with a curious scowl. Suddenly, mom stops in her tracks.

"What if-" I see she has an idea.

I raise a brow.

"What if we had a party?!" She turns back to face me.

What? A party? I wonder if I heard her correctly. I hope I'm not about to pass out or something because of the head injury.

I look at Ace, who seems as confused as I am.

"A housewarming party!" Mom beams. "I could meet your friends. You could introduce Bryce and Seth to me. I mean— We finally have the house ready. The boxes are unpacked-" her voice trails.

"Is it a bad idea?"

I think to myself. It is a weird idea, that's for sure. But- maybe this will bring some normalcy to our family.

"I like the idea." I reassure her. "What about food?"

"I'll cook!" She exclaims, "I've been wanting to make a nice meal for someone. This would be a great opportunity."

I notice her graying hair beside of her tired, excited eyes. This seems to be important to her.

"You're sure it's not too much work?" I whisper.

"No," she shakes her head to herself. "Pick a day. I'll ask off."

"Okay—" I can't help but laugh at this whole surprise plan. Who knew my mom wanted to party?! I look over to Ace for support in planning, but he grits his teeth.

That's odd.

What's wrong with him?

He catches me watching him, and he saunters off to his room. My mom doesn't seem to notice his attitude. I do.

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