34| My resolve

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I pinch my arm with fervor to keep from crying. My footsteps are loud against the tile as I storm away from Meghan and Bryce.

It still feels like a dagger of betrayal to put his name in the same sentence as hers. But he's the one that put it there when he decided she still mattered to him like that.

I round a corner so fast, I nearly get whiplash from colliding with Seth.

"Woah- slow your roll!" He pants in surprise. I recognize him as he blocks me from trying to get around him without a word.

I huff. What am I thinking? How rude of me.

"Sorry." I heave out.

"No problem!" Seth's blue eyes are bright this morning. They're a strange contrast to what Bryce's were a moment ago. "Stay a second and talk to me! I miss you; it's been a few days."

Right. I guess it has.

"Sorry," I chuckle nervously. I glance back over my shoulder from where I came. "I was just running from someone." I look back at Seth.

He laughs (like I'm joking). I bite my lip because I know I'm not.

"I guess I've had a rough few days." I admit to him in a low whisper. Seth tilts his head to get a better look at me when I talk.

"Hey," he grows concerned in the face, "that's why we have each other." He brushes my shoulder with a hand. I nod absentmindedly. "New kids gotta stick together." He whispers.

"Right." I watch as he draws his hand back. "I have plenty to get through, too."

"Caught up in drama, are we?"

"Not really," I shrug, "just feelings."

I hate that very word. Feelings.

He leans closer. "I know what you mean."


I've said too much. I shake my head. "I should get to class."

"Hey- I can tell you're stressed out about all of these feelings," he starts, "let's hang out. I'll be there for you work through them with."

What? I blink.

He nods quickly. "You heard me right."

I- If he's willing to do this for me- to help me get through this Bryce stuff, maybe I should agree.

"I don't want to be a burden." I make sure to say. "I know guys don't really like talking about feelings."

"I think I'll let it slide this time." Seth smiles down at me.

I laugh. Okay then.

"It's a plan." I slowly agree, but I feel my spirits lifting already. Seth is the only person left for me to confide in... besides Indie, I guess.

   Hopefully it doesn't backfire with him, too.

"Great." Seth beams. "Now get to class before you're late. We'll talk later."

"Okay. Same to you."



I set a stack of new books on the empty shelf ahead of me. The bookstore is quiet enough to hear a pen drop today.

My mind is quiet too, for once. No thoughts of sadness, betrayal, daddy issues, or plans with Seth.

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