24| Stay away

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Bryce's fingers shake as they stretch out against the leather steering wheel. He's breathing deeply, and focusing his sharp gaze through the windshield.

Without turning his head, his hand reaches to put the car in drive. His knuckles a bone-white.

His foot is heavy on the gas, so the car gives a sudden jerk forward. Then, he hits the brakes too hard. It's a whiplash-inducing stop, but he's okay.

"I'll never get out of the parking lot!" He shakes his head in self-disappointment. A lock of brown hair falls against his forehead.

"We've got all day. You're doing fine."

"I don't want to wreck again-" his chest is rising and falling.

His large hand finds itself beneath a smaller one.

"You've got this. I believe in you."

I blink down at the cafeteria table top, noticing a day-old biscuit crumb sitting unbothered. The morning chatter is loud in my ears, but I still hear Indie approach the booth. Instead of sliding in like normal, she slaps her hand on the table.

I jump.

"What's that for?" My brows furrow, but her wide bright blue eyes are lit up with excitement.

"Caroline, you're never gonna guess what happened!"

"What?" My mouth is slow.

"Come on! If we hurry you can see for yourself!"

Blinking startled confusion from my eyes, I let Indie pull me from my breakfast spot and out of the loud cafeteria. Her shoes smack loudly against the tile floor as she runs, and my wrist hurts to be pulled by her.

"This better not be something stupid!" I jokingly call up to her.

"It's wonderful!"

Where is she taking me?

To my surprise, we go out into the school parking lot. Another few paces and we're running up to a car in the handicap spot.

My mouth drops when I put it all together. I see Anson, resting against the side of the car. Then, I see Bryce sitting in the driver's seat with the door open.

He straightens up when he spots me running behind Indie.

"Caroline," Indie says, "Bryce decided to surprise us... by driving to school by himself!"

Anson high-fives him, as I struggle for a breath.

"Wow-" is all I say.

Bryce bites his lip, looking down at the concrete. "I figured that if everyone believed in me, maybe I could do this after all."

Indie joins Anson's side. "Anson and I are so proud of you, Bryce! How long have you been planning this?"

I control my expression, even though memories of the weekend flood my mind.

"Not long." Bryce doesn't exaggerate.

Behind us, the school bell rings from the speakers. Indie and Anson straighten up.

"Wow- this is going to be an awesome day." Her tone is bright.

"I agree," Anson takes her hand.

They leave us to walk to class. When they're out of earshot, I look down at Bryce.

"So all it took was one practice? I guess I was a pretty good teacher." I put my hands on my hips.

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