17| Basement bass

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    In no time, Seth and I are goofing around to the music like kids. It's not hard to forget Meghan's antics after a few songs. Seth is having a good time, I can tell. He laughs frequently, so I feel calm.

   "This is something new, the Casper slide part two-" When the DJ starts playing the chacha slide, Seth is really overjoyed- in fact, it's almost creepy.

    "Hell yes! This is my jam, Caroline!" He yells.

"I think I'm gonna sit this one out." I say, sweat trailing my forehead. Everything around is hot with the bodies, movement, and hardly any ventilation in Mandi's basement. I need a drink, some water or something, or I'll pass out!

"You snooze you lose!" Seth teases over the music. "I'll find you when the song's over, good?"

I nod. "Have fun."

    "Oh I will."

I hurry out of the quickly-forming line around Seth. The familiar words of the song play over the speakers. The music pulses in my ears even as I walk away.

Alone, I head over to a kitchenette in the corner of the basement, away from the crowd. It's shadowy, here. It's empty.

    I notice an unopened can of Sprite on the counter. I wipe sweat from my forehead. Thank god they have stuff other than alcohol. Grabbing it, I jump up onto the counter- sitting with my legs dangling off.

Click. I pull the tab open on the can. I take a sip, watching the dancing from my seat. From the shadows behind me, I hear a voice.

"Ironic that sunshine found the darkest corner in the basement to sit."

My chest lurches, and Bryce steps out of the shadows, where he was propped against the wall. I can't hide my shock.


"Me," he nods.

"I thought I was alone." I absentmindedly kick my feet out as they dangle beneath me.

    "You think that a lot, don't you?" Bryce blinks slowly. In the dark, his demeanor is gentle, but unreadable.


    "Do you not like this song?" He nods to the crowd that dances to the cha cha slide. "I thought you loved to dance?"

"I do."

    I do love to dance.

    "I needed to cool off." I correct with a smile. Bryce chuckles, noticing the sweat on my forehead. "Why aren't you out there?" I question.

    A rush of air escapes from his lips. "Just not in the mood."

    Oh, so he's suddenly being evasive?

     "Maybe I should start calling you wallflower." I tease.

    I see his cheek tighten. "You want to give me a pet name already?" He jokes, but his voice is strained.

    "I mean," I shrug, "you are an animal, aren't you?"

   His brows flash with surprise, but he doesn't miss his chance to sound arrogant, "some girls would say so."

"Wow." I take another drink of sprite and let the silence settle. The can is cold in my grip. Looking out at the dancing, I spot Seth. He waves at me, before turning and hopping a few times.

Bryce sees the exchange, I notice him stiffen. "What's that player's name? Sam?" He slowly pushes his sleeves up to his elbows, one at a time.

"Seth." I roll my eyes, "and he's not a player. Unless you count monopoly." My seriousness fades at the memory with a giggle, causing Bryce to scowl.

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