30| Another kiss

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     "Hey, Caroline, we're here."

     A gentle voice and a shake causes me to blink my eyes open. The sky is black; I almost can't tell where we are. But, I notice my house with the outside lights lit up.

    I'm home. My chest hurts with sweet relief.

    I don't know how long I've been sleeping because I can't remember when exactly I fell asleep in the first place. I'm just glad I feel safe enough in Bryce's presence to let myself fall asleep.

Speaking of Bryce, I turn to the right and see that he is waiting on me outside of the open passenger door. He offers me a hand and pulls me up.

     "Like promised, you're home. Safe." He tilts his head forward when he says that last word.

    I'm never really safe though.

    Goosebumps raise on my arms due to the chilly night air. "Walk with me," I whisper, leading him up to my door.

    We're silent until I'm clutching the front door handle.

    "Tonight didn't go how I had planned," Bryce starts to whisper somewhere beside of me.

Only the last little part didn't. I won't talk about that again.

   I swallow. "It was fun, you know. Dinner."

    "Yeah?" He whispers. "You enjoyed yourself?" He props against the closed door with a hand above my head.

    I nod, avoiding the lingering darkness in the back of my memory. "I'm glad we got to talk about us a little bit."

I'm glad I decided that kissing him wasn't a crossed line.

   "Me too," he exhales at the same time as a shiver erupts down my spine. Bryce's lashes flutter down at my body.

    "You're cold." He realizes, "You need to go inside. I'm sorry for keeping you out."

    My chest aches.

    "Don't be." I bite my lip, "I get cold easily."

     Maybe I don't want to say goodbye just yet. I notice Bryce is leaning closer to my face. My heart gives a weak flutter.

"I could help you with that." He flirts with a chuckle that quickly fades. He takes a deep breath.

"What?" I whisper through shivers.

    "Nothing, just- you have no idea how much I want to kiss you again," he sighs. I feel sudden warmth creeping up in my chest.

I want it too.

    Slowly, I reach up to his shirt collar and pull it towards me. It's not a fast move, but I still doubt he expected it. I look into his eyes, which are now at my level.

    "Do it, Bryce." I frown, "kiss me, because I can't help but get into these situations with you. And I- I feel like I need you-"

     Without waiting on me to finish, he crashes his lip against mine.

   I'm immediately consumed with his warmth as he presses against me. I feel one of his hands on my back and one cupping my face. My lashes flutter against his cheek as his tongue traces the seam of my lips.

     Butterflies take flight in my stomach as he makes an urgent sound in his throat. My fingers dance through his hair again. One more second, and I know I'll be a melted heap in his arms.

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