55| My love

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I don't stray past Bryce's fingertips. I don't dare move farther than an arm's length away from him.

As we walk into the hospital, completely sleep deprived and looking like death, one thing that I don't dare to do is part from Bryce's side.

It's not that I'm afraid he's going anywhere. It's that I don't want to spend a moment apart from him if I don't have to.

We make it to the front desk, and Bryce speaks up for me.

"We're here to see Ace and Eleanor Abbot."

The nurse nods and tells us what rooms to find them in. Bryce and I thank her and start to navigate the maze that is a hospital.

We make it to my mother's room first. She's sitting upright in bed. She's watching cake boss, but her eyes are cold and numb.

Seeing me and Bryce causes her to liven.

"Caroline, sweetheart." She extends her arms, and only then do I let go of Bryce's hand. I hug her tight, noticing she has stitches in her head.

"They are doing some tests to monitor my concussion. They stitched me up earlier, and the police came to speak to me."

I absorb her information with wide eyes. She looks tired. "I'm okay, though. I've been assured that after tonight's handcuffing, we are finally safe."

It's like a weight is lifted off my chest. I'll never have to deal with him again. What a relief.

"Thank goodness." I sigh.

She lets out a yawn. "I'm exhausted. You must be, too. How was prom?"


I almost forgot.

I can't believe it was just 8 or 9 hours ago. I lean back and press on Bryce's chest. "Ask the prom king."

My mother's eyes widen in delight. "Bryce! That's wonderful! I'm glad you two had fun, even if things ended terribly."

Bryce and I exchange a knowing glance.

"Too right you are." I sigh. With that, my mom waves us away.

"Go home and get some rest. I'll be ready to chat all about it when I get out of here tomorrow."

"Okay," I obey her. I know she's ready for some sleep. "We're just going to stop by Ace's room, really quick."

"He should be doing alright."

"Okay. Goodnight mom."

"It's already morning!" She reminds us, but good morning doesn't have the same meaning.

I chuckle, following Bryce to Ace's room. He's sleeping peacefully when we make it inside. Other than the discoloration around his neck, he appears to be okay.

"Look," Bryce points out a note on the table by his bed.

I read Ace's writing.

Docs say I'm gonna be okay. Don't worry, sis. I'll be home to protect your butt as soon as tomorrow. Stay safe until then.

- Ace

I laugh, showing Bryce the note. After he chuckles, I turn to face him.

"I guess that's it." I sigh, "I guess there's nothing left to check on."

"Do you need anything while we're here?" He asks.


"I am just ready to finally go to bed."

"Okay," He nods. "I'd like it if you came with me."

"Me too."


After I've cleaned up and put on one of Bryce's shirts to sleep in, I'm kind of a wreck.

What if I have nightmares?! I worry as I get into the covers.

What if I see it all play out again?

I don't think I can do that so soon.

I yawn.

But damn, I'm tired.

While I'm experiencing my dilemma, Bryce comes out of the bathroom, his brown hair is messy. He lifts his blanket and slides underneath. My bare leg touches his when I turn to face him.

"Are you okay?" His brows furrow with worry. He puts a hand on my side.

"No." I'm honest with him. "I'm terrified of what I'll see after I fall asleep."

Nightmares. I shiver.

Bryce scootches closer to me.

"I'll never forgive myself for leaving you, Caroline."

My heart hurts. It causes my chest to ache.

"You will." I promise him, "Because I already have."

His gaze lowers away from mine. The truth is,

"Bryce, I know why you left me." I admit.

He doesn't look at me, still. His grip on his pillow tightens.

"I should've explained to you why I didn't say it back, while we were still in the car," I whisper, "explain why I couldn't say it, instead of just sitting there and acting like you were crazy for telling me how you felt."

"You weren't crazy," I add, leaning closer to his face.

"I was scared, Bryce." My whisper is honest. His dark gaze flickers up at me.

"I was scared, because I didn't know when I would truly know if it was love. If it would last. If it would match up to yours."

"But," I continue, "I actually knew all along."

He doesn't speak.

"The truth is, I've been saying I love you since we've known one another, I just haven't come out and said: I love you. Just because the words haven't been clear on my lips, doesn't mean that the feeling wasn't there."

I hope I'm explaining myself well enough to him.

"Bryce, I love you. I do. And it wasn't just some moment like Anson felt... Some instant that I knew." I breathe, "my love has been growing, building silently and slowly every moment that I've known you. I overlooked it, but it was always there, all along."

"It's like my love was an open tab running in the background, but meanwhile I had been looking for an annoying pop-up."

He chuckles at my analogy, but I hope it lands.

"I do love you Bryce." I watch his face. His pupils widen.

"I love you too, Caroline."

Bryce pulls me to his face, he plants a kiss on my lips that leaves me feeling content and adored.

It's a kiss that ebbs and flows with passion, but a kiss that is more concerned with love than any other feeling.

Bryce and I have taught one another how to love.

He was lost and so was I.

He pulls away from my face, his eyes are brimming over with the emotion. I can see it, now.

"You mean everything to me," his voice is hoarse, "I never thought a guy like me could or would have the feelings that I do for another person, but I do."

His eyes search mine. "You are the one I can't ever stop thinking about."

"You are perfect. You are priceless. You are gold."

"You are my love." He sighs.

"and I belong to you,

I am yours."

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