2. Broken Pieces

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~1934, Age 16~

Everly watched the back and forth motion of the pencil as Steve scribbled in his journal, stopping occasionally and frowning before erasing something. Since the first time she'd seen his sketchbook, she had been dying to get a look at the secrets those pages held. To a stranger, Steve wouldn't seem the drawing type. Or maybe he would? He tended to walk on the quiet side, letting Bucky do much of the talking as they were practically a package deal. Maybe drawing was his way of speaking his mind.

Everly imagined looking through his journal, the stories that spilled out across those off white pages. She respected his need for privacy, though it secretly killed her. With a sigh, she reached down and plucked a small flower from beside her, spinning it between her fingers as she examined each of its white petals intently. It amazed her that something so beautiful could grow from nothing.

She peeked up from the flower to find Steve looking at her oddly, the smallest hint of a smile on his face. He shut his journal, setting his pencil atop its leather cover. "Yeah, that's a flower." He confirmed, leaning back and using his arms to prop himself up.

"I know it's a flower." She giggled, throwing it at him. It hit him square in the chest and he frowned, watching as it bounced to the ground where it disappeared in the sea of green. He leaned back and let the lengthy grass wrap around him as he gazed into the sky. Everly shook her head amusedly and laid on her back beside him, resting her hands on her stomach. Amidst the silence, she peeked at him from the corner of her eye before she too peered into the sky.

"What are we doing?" She whispered, turning her head slightly toward him.

"Listening." He answered, his eyes still fixed on the passing clouds. Everly scrunched up her face and nodded slowly, though she didn't actually know what he meant.

The chirping of birds added to the calm that hung in the air. Her eyes fluttered shut and the smallest of smiles tugged at her lips. Beams of sunlight warmed her face and her fingers danced through the grass at her sides. At that moment in time, there was no place she'd rather be.

"Oh I almost forgot," Steve sat up quickly and dove his hand into the pocket of his jeans to retrieve something. Everly too sat up and watched curiously as he opened his hand to reveal a silver locket. It was nothing fancy, but its simplicity was charming. He gripped it by the chain and held it out to her. "Happy birthday," He beamed.

It took her a moment to realize that it was in fact her birthday, even she had forgotten throughout the course of the day. Birthdays were never really something to be celebrated in her family. It was a day, just like any other. It came and went like the passing of the clouds. Surprised, she opened her mouth to say something, but almost immediately closed it when the words lodged themselves in her throat.

Everly held out her hand and Steve dropped the necklace in her palm. The cool metal made her flinch slightly, though she hid it well. She took a moment to examine the locket, only now noticing the shallow, intricate floral engravings in the metal. With the click of a small button, the necklace flipped open to show only the shiny metal within. She frowned slightly, looking up at Steve with a questioning glance. He fiddled with his fingers and stared down at the grass beneath him.

"We thought you should choose what goes in it." He peeked up at Everly again to find her struggling to clip it behind her neck. After watching her struggle for a few seconds, she let out a puff of air from her cheeks.

"Do you mind?" She asked quietly. His eyes widened a bit but he nodded quickly, scooting closer. She pulled her hair aside and tensed in the slightest when his fingers brushed the back of her neck.

"Thank you, guys."

"Well I told him we should just buy you some food or something." Bucky appeared over the hill, hands on his hips as his chest heaved. Evidently, he had gotten tired of chasing frogs in the creek. He plopped down beside Everly and nudged her with his shoulder. "Happy birthday, Evelyn." He sighed, as if being nice had taken a toll on him. Somewhere deep down- deep, deep down, Bucky Barnes had emotions. He just had a funny way of showing them. She sent him a thankful smile and played with her hands where they rested in her lap.

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