66. I'll be there

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Tony walked slowly alongside Rhodey who struggled with his every step. Rhodey's fingers were wrapped tightly around the bar next to him, the other hand perched on Tony's shoulder using him for balance. The devices strapped around his legs produced a low mechanical whir as he moved. Tony watched sadly at his friend's struggle.

"I mean, Evelyn's managed for what? 70 years?" Rhodey scoffed in return, shaking his head lightly as a bead of sweat dripped from his forehead. Tony shrugged. "It's just a first pass."

"Yeah." Rhodes mumbled, his brows creased with concentration.

"Give me some feedback, anything you think of. Shock absorption, lateral movement. Cup holder?"

"You may want to think about some AC down in-" Rhodey stumbled forward, barely catching himself before his face hit the ground. Tony shot his arms out to grab his friend.

"Let's go. I'll give you a hand." He said as he grabbed onto Rhodey's arm.

"No. Don't help me." He hurried, scooting around so that he was sitting. A silence settled between them and he shook his head. "138." Tony rose a questioning brow from where he knelt beside him. "138 combat missions. That's how many I've flown, Tony. Every one of them could have been my last, but I flew them. Because the fight needed to be fought. It's the same with these Accords. I signed because it was the right thing to do. And yeah, this sucks. This is, uh... This is a bad beat. But it hasn't changed my mind. I don't think." He sighed and smiled up at his friend, who outstretched a hand toward him. Rhodey groaned, wincing as Tony dragged him to his feet. 

"You okay?"

"Oh, yeah." Rhodes nodded. There was a knock on the glass door across the room and they both turned to see an older man holding a package in his shaking hands, a FedEx truck parked behind him.

"Are you Tony..." He double checked the box. "Stank?"

"Yes," Rhodey replied, pointing to his friend. "This is Tony Stank. You're in the right place." A smile crept across his lips as he slowly turned around. "Thank you for that." Tony looked at him amusedly. "Never dropping that by the way." He finished as he stumbled away. "'Table for one, Mr. Stank. Please, by the bathroom.'" Tony scratched his head and couldn't help but laugh.

He collected the package and came back inside, plopping down in his office. He pulled the tape from the box and opened the cardboard flaps, plucking a sealed envelope from within, with only his name written across the front. He furrowed his eyebrows and pulled the note out, leaning back in his chair with a sigh as his eyes scanned the page.

'Tony, I'm glad you're back at the compound. I don't like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours. Maybe more so than mine. I've been on my own since I was 18. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the Army. My faith's in people, I guess. Individuals. And I'm happy to say that for the most part, they haven't let me down. Which is why I can't let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't. I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself. And I'm sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand. I wish we agreed on the Accords. I really do. I know you're doing what you believe in, and that's all any of us can do. That's all any of us should. So no matter what, I promise you, if you need us... if you need me... I'll be there.'

Tony set the letter on the table beside him and grabbed the box once again, tipping it so that the remaining contents would spill onto the desk before him. An old flip phone fell out and he scoffed, letting the box fall to the floor.

"Priority call from Secretary Ross." FRIDAY said. Tony glanced at his office phone then back to the flip phone. "There's been a breach at the Raft prison."

"Yeah, put him through." He replied, rolling his chair closer and pressing a button.

"Tony, we have a problem." Ross hurried.

"Uh, please hold."

"No, don't." He warned as Tony pressed the button again, cutting him off.


Steve slowly walked toward where Bucky sat atop a gurney, a black sleeve covering the exposed wires of what remained of his metal arm. He plunged his hands into the pockets of his jeans and sighed, peeking at the open chamber behind him.

"You sure about this?"

Bucky shook his head lightly, offering a sad smile. "I can't trust my own mind. So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head, I think going back under is the best thing. For everybody."

"It is time." One of the doctors said quietly as he glanced between the pair. Steve met Bucky's eyes just as he slipped off of the gurney and headed toward the glass tube. He stepped inside and let out a shaky breath as the doctor gently pulled a strap across his chest. The tube shut and Bucky's eyes fluttered closed when a burst of freezing air consumed his every inch. 

Steve peered at his shoes as he walked down the hall, stopping in front of a closed door. He drew in a deep breath a reached for the handle, pushing the door open and slowly stepping inside. His face softened at the sight of Everly laying in the Wakandan hospital bed, a beeping monitor beside her. She was propped up on her side as to not disturb the stitches on her back. An entirely new device crawled up the length of her spine, the previous one having been destroyed by Tony. He shuffled over to her beside and scooted a chair closer. He sat down and took her hand in his, gently rubbing circles on the back of her hand. He stared sadly at her closed eyelids, waiting for them to fly open and a smile to spill across her face.

"I have to go." He said quietly, as if afraid he would wake her. A part of him expected a response other than the steady mechanical beeping of the monitor. He shook his head lightly and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her cheek as his eyes threatened to spill tears.


Everly frowned as she struggled to squish the foam ball in her palm. Her face scrunched up in concentration and she bit the inside of her lip. Her hand continued to tremble and her fingers refused to squeeze tighter despite her best efforts. She sighed in frustration and tossed the orange ball across the room where it rolled to a stop on the shiny floor.

"What? That was good." Shuri said as she stepped closer.

"No it wasn't." Everly groaned, staring annoyedly down at her shaking hands. 

Shuri laughed and folded her arms over her chest. "It will take some time, but you'll get it." She finished with a smile before turning back to what she had been working on. Everly huffed and stood from where she sat, her knees nearly collapsing beneath her. She caught herself on the countertop beside her and drew in a deep breath before trying again. Walking she could usually manage, though there were occasionally a few bumps in the road. Her feet felt heavier than she remembered. She took a few cautious steps forward and stood a bit straighter before leaving.

Everly walked all the way back to her room, only tripping once or twice. She froze in front of the door, her trembling hand hovering just above of the handle. She reached forward and wrapped her fingers around the doorknob, but couldn't twist it. A frown fell over her face. Everly's arm fell back at her side and her face contorted in anger. She threw her shoulder into the door and it flung open, slamming against the interior wall. She blew a bit of hair from her face and stepped inside, pushing the door shut behind her.


It's so short! I'm sorry!!

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